Beyond Antibiotics! What You Need to Treat Lyme Disease Naturally

Even if you don’t spend a lot of time outdoors, you’ve probably heard of Lyme disease by now. Once thought of solely as a tick-borne illness that hikers and campers in heavily wooded areas were most susceptible to, Lyme has been spreading throughout the country and may be diagnosed even in people who have no evidence of a tick bite.

Can CBD Really Reverse Alzheimer’s and Other Hard-to-Treat Illnesses?

It’s no secret that the use of marijuana to treat various ailments and illnesses is controversial. However, as a doctor who has pursued natural remedies for years, I’m fascinated by the potential the cannabis plant has for treating disease. Yes, the active compounds of cannabis, called cannabinoids, can affect our brains. And some of those effects can be dangerous.

This Canning Ingredient Might Help You Survive Cancer

Few diagnoses are more terrifying than cancer. The type and stage of cancer make a significant difference in the prognosis. And the treatment options are almost always highly unpleasant without being guaranteed to work. Many people who receive a cancer diagnosis immediately resolve to do whatever they can to fight the insidious disease, including submitting to harsh treatments like radiation and chemotherapy. Often, such treatments are necessary to eradicate the cancer. But if you’re going to endure them, you want to be sure you’re doing all that you can to make them as effective as possible. Fortunately, I have a suggestion about a way you can do just that.

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