Why You May Not Notice the Benefits of Fish Oil

Anyone who is even marginally interested in taking supplements to improve their health has heard of fish oil. Fish oil is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, and it’s easy to package up into easy-to-swallow capsules. However, many people who add a daily capsule to their routine are disappointed by the results, particularly if they were hoping the product would improve their skin, hair, or nails (just some of the many purported benefits of omega-3s). But omega-3s really are effective — if you take them the right way. Let me tell you about a good sign that they really do work, what they can do for you, and how to get the results you want both inside and out. 

Before Taking Any Hormones, Consider Trying This First….

Last month, we discussed bioidentical hormones and the role they can play in our health beyond just affecting the sex hormones. We focused specifically on the thyroid and how even small variations in your thyroid hormone levels can significantly affect your quality of life. We also discussed how periods of chronic stress can affect your thyroid and keep supplementation from being effective.

Why Your Thyroid Treatment Is Making You Feel Even More Tired

I’m sure you’re familiar with hormone therapies. Even a small deficit in a hormone can have a major impact on your energy, weight, mood, and cognitive functioning. Many doctors (including me) believe that bioidentical hormones are safer and more effective than many of the conventional hormones available today. 

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