How to Get Even Better Results From Resveratrol

Usually after I’ve been on the road working and seeing patients for weeks at a time, sorting through my mail when I get home is a chore. But the last time I did this, I was in for a treat! To my surprise and delight, I found three bottles of the new antioxidant formula I just formulated waiting for me. I quickly opened them and began taking two capsules twice daily.

Beating Chronic Sinus Infections Without Antibiotics

Few ailments are more frustrating than a chronic sinus infection. They’re not so debilitating that you can’t carry on with your normal activities, but they seem to make everything you do require just a little bit more effort. And they can feel nearly impossible to get rid of. If you have had a sinus infection that you treated with antibiotics and you feel better, but not quite fully back to normal, or if the infection keeps coming back, it’s time to look beyond antibiotics. These infections can be very resistant to antibiotics, so it’s important to give your body the tools it needs to kick it out for good.

Boost Energy, Thicken Hair, and Lose Weight With This Nutrient From the Ocean

I really don’t like the word diet and diets in general. Diets are commonly equated with deprivation, plus they usually entail a routine that you begin, but intend to quit eventually. And most people quit sooner rather than later. In fact, two out of five people who start a diet give up within the first seven days. Only 5-20% make it a whole month. What’s even worse is that a diet doesn’t usually involve sustainable lifestyle changes. And if there’s an underlying issue that’s causing the diet not to work, the dieter usually just gives up rather than digging deeper to find out what’s really going on. That’s what almost happened to Jackie. Fortunately, Jackie was able to make lifestyle changes and lose weight, be more energetic, and feel great. But it didn’t start with a diet – it started with one simple supplement.

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