How to Get Even Better Results From Resveratrol

January 2016
Volume 22    |   Issue 1

Usually after I’ve been on the road working and seeing patients for weeks at a time, sorting through my mail when I get home is a chore. But the last time I did this, I was in for a treat! To my surprise and delight, I found three bottles of the new antioxidant formula I just formulated waiting for me. I quickly opened them and began taking two capsules twice daily.

By the fifth day, I noticed that I felt different. I was more energetic, my mood was better, and I just felt brighter. It was certainly a nice boost to help me tackle lingering tasks after my trip. But I have to admit, I was a little bit skeptical. Was it really the formula, or was it all in my head? Maybe it was the placebo effect. So I decided to offer the supplement to others to see how they responded.

My grumpy neighbor was the perfect candidate. I offered him a bottle, though I wasn’t even sure he would take it. To my surprise, he agreed. And two weeks later, he stopped me in the street and told me he wanted to get another bottle before he ran out. He said that he felt “lighter.”

I was thrilled, but I knew he also could be subject to the power of suggestion. So I turned next to Amanda for my litmus test. Amanda has a personal and family history of elevated cholesterol and triglycerides. She’s used diet, lifestyle, and supplements to successfully manage both her blood sugar and her lipid levels. She’s tried just about everything, so she’s not likely to assume something works without proof. And she still struggles with what she describes as systemic “heat” that has been identified as chronic low-grade inflammation.

Amanda can usually control this inflammation by drinking turmeric and lemon tea all day long, but she was getting tired of that, and it wasn’t practical for the days she was working. She needed a solution for the days she was in the office. She’d tried a number of over-the-counter supplements that claimed to be anti-inflammatory, but nothing really helped. I gave her a bottle of this new formula – Advanced Polyphenol Formula – to try. I knew that if it helped Amanda, I would definitely be onto something.

Sure enough, she called me up two weeks later. “Wow,” she said. “I think I’m feeling better in a real way. I feel smoother, less heated up.” She’d finally found a solution for her inflammation – one that would work for her while she was at the office.

I was thrilled for Amanda and thrilled that the formula was working as I had hoped it would. There’s been a lot of research about how polyphenols can be the foundation of an anti-inflammatory diet – and the benefits such a diet can have on your health. It’s important to get a good number of fresh vegetables and fruits, but most of us simply can’t do this every day. This supplement can do what it would take large amounts of food to do by concentrating the polyphenols into capsule form.

Polyphenols are compounds found in foods that include tea, coffee, cocoa, olive oil, fruits, vegetables, nuts, red wine, and resveratrol, which is also in red wine, as well as grapes and blueberries. Researchers have studied them extensively because of their links to health benefits, such as lower cardiovascular risk, improved cognition, better lipid levels, and improved liver and gallbladder function.

You’ll probably recognize the foods high in polyphenols and resveratrol as the foundation of the Mediterranean Diet. We can trace many of the health benefits of this diet back to these compounds. Fruits typically contain 200-300 mg of polyphenols per 100 grams, while a beverage such as red wine, tea, or coffee may contain around 100 mg. Most plant foods contain a mixture of different types of polyphenols, and factors like ripeness, environmental factors (such as soil fertility and pollution), processing, and storage can affect polyphenol content. Cooking methods can have an impact as well. And some foods may lose significant amounts of their polyphenols when you cook them.

That’s one of many reasons I’m excited about this supplement. There’s no guesswork about how much polyphenol content you’re getting or whether you’re cooking food the right way. Many studies have found an inverse relationship between the risk of chronic disease and consuming a polyphenol-rich diet. They do this in part by increasing your body’s antioxidant capabilities, helping you chase down the free radicals that harm your cells and cause disease. Here are a few of these specific polyphenols and the benefits they offer.

First, resveratrol. Resveratrol is found in grapes, red wine, blueberries, and a few other berries. It’s a popular supplement because everyone seems to love an excuse to drink red wine. The bad news is that you have to drink a lot of red wine to get a significant benefit. The good news is that resveratrol is great for you, and you can get it in supplement form. Recent studies have linked it to bactericidal activity against H. pylori, dangerous bacteria that can cause infections and even gastric cancer. Because resveratrol is an anti-inflammatory, research has found that it also can slow atherosclerosis development, and it seems to decrease cholesterol levels. Plus, it has neuroprotective effects and may be able to counter epileptic depression.

Those neuroprotective effects may even extend to Alzheimer’s patients. A small study published in the journal Neurology found that resveratrol seemed to stabilize a biomarker that declines as Alzheimer’s progresses. The 119 participants in this randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study all had mild to moderate dementia. The researchers used a pharmaceutical-grade form of resveratrol for the study – you’d need to drink 1,000 bottles of red wine a day to match the dose. But they did find those who took the resveratrol had little to no change in their amyloid-beta40 levels, while those who received a placebo showed declines in this biomarker’s levels, which are linked to worsening dementia.
With all of this good news, you’d think people would be lining up to take a resveratrol supplement. Some do. But others don’t bother because they think that it doesn’t make a difference. The supplement may be working, but they don’t feel any different. Rian was one of those people.

Rian has been my patient for about 20 years. Most people would describe her as a “wellness enthusiast.” When she first came to see me, she practically needed a separate suitcase just for her supplements. I actually had to encourage her to cut back to a reasonable number. Resveratrol was one that she refused to give up, at least at first. With a history of cardiovascular disease on both sides of her family, and a mother who was recently diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s, she believed resveratrol would give her an edge over atherosclerosis. But eventually, she decided she didn’t feel like it was doing any good and dropped it.

I didn’t fight her at the time, but when I received some samples of Advanced Polyphenol Formula, I decided to send some her way. I knew she’d be honest with me about whether she liked the formula or not. After six weeks, I received the following note:

Dear Dr. Zand,

I have taken two capsules of the Advanced Polyphenol Formula twice daily. I didn’t expect to feel anything, as I looked at it as one more resveratrol formula. BUT, to my surprise, I notice I have more energy and feel more alert. Is that possible? Of course, I started reading about polyphenols, and it looks like it is possible. Would you agree? Anyway, I really like this formula, and I’ll be using it. Thanks so much for letting me be a guinea pig. I really appreciate it!

Warmest regards,

I was thrilled that Rian had such positive results. And I suspect that one of the reasons she experienced improved energy and alertness is that the resveratrol in Advanced Polyphenol Formula comes not just from grapes and a root called Japanese Knotweed, but from blueberries as well. And blueberries offer not just resveratrol, but a variety of other polyphenols that have been shown to improve energy and cognition. A study recently published in the British Journal of Nutrition evaluated whether blueberries could reverse age-related deficits in behavioral and neuronal function in rats. Those who ate a blueberry-supplemented diet for eight weeks had better motor performance and cognition, particularly in working memory, compared to a control group.

Blueberries are also a great choice in Rian’s fight against heart disease and potential Alzheimer’s. Research published in the European Journal of Nutrition found that blueberries can help protect us against atherosclerosis, as they contain compounds that alter lipid accumulation. Other studies have found that blueberry extract can help you avoid blood sugar spikes after you eat and help you maintain healthy blood pressure.

It’s important to keep in mind that many of these studies use supplement or extract forms of blueberries. So you have to eat a lot of fruit to see similar results. What is remarkable about Advanced Polyphenol Formula is that two capsules taken twice daily provides you with the equivalent polyphenol benefit of eating two cups of blueberries.

And that’s not all. Advanced Polyphenol Formula also contains turmeric, olive leaf extract, and quercetin. You may remember that Amanda was controlling her inflammation through turmeric tea. That wasn’t a bad idea, as turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory. But by taking this formula, she was able to experience those benefits along with those of the other polyphenols.

Olive leaf contains the same powerful polyphenol that olive oil does, a nutrient called oleuropein. And olive oil is one of the powerhouses of the Mediterranean diet. It’s been shown to increase nitric oxide in blood plasma and decrease blood pressure, so it too is a great protector of the cardiovascular system. It’s been shown to have both anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative effects that lower levels of C-reactive protein and cholesterol, both of which are linked to cardiovascular damage.

Finally, the quercetin, a naturally strong anti-inflammatory, is found in onions and garlic, among other foods. It’s not only an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, but it also boosts your mitochondria levels. Since mitochondria are the powerhouses of the cells, this can have profound effects on your energy. In fact, one study found that people who took a quercetin supplement for just seven days experienced a 13% boost in endurance.

Quercetin has also been shown to have anticancer properties in mice, likely because of its ability to mop up free radicals. In the mice, it helped fight lung cancer. It’s joined by resveratrol in fighting this particular cancer, and resveratrol also helps prevent skin, breast, prostate, gastric, and colorectal cancer.

Many studies have linked dietary polyphenols to cancer prevention, and ongoing research is investigating how to use them in conjunction with other therapies to help cancer patients fight off the disease.

My neighbor and my patients Amanda and Rian have been thrilled with Advanced Polyphenol Formula. It’s actually rather unusual for people to notice much difference when taking an antioxidant supplement, which is why many people give up on them. When it comes to antioxidants, usually no news is good news – you know they’re working because you don’t have a scary diagnosis. So I’m very pleased that we all actually noticed a benefit from taking the formula, not just an absence of issues.

I do think that it’s very important that you eat a diet high in polyphenols. This formula isn’t meant to replace healthy foods. But it is food-based, meaning that it offers the highest possible quality of these polyphenols. And because they’re concentrated, you get more polyphenols from the formula than you would ever be able to consume in a day, even if you loaded up your plate with bunches of grapes, piles of blueberries, cups of olive oil, and whole heads of garlic. You should certainly eat a sensible diet rich in these foods. I frequently recommend the Mediterranean diet – it’s a healthy and relatively easy-to-follow choice, offering many anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits. Advanced Polyphenol Formula can supplement your everyday health in a powerful and beneficial way. You can order it from Advanced Bionutritionals by calling 800-791-3395. Be sure to give them special offer code WH1316 when ordering.

Why Migraines Can Follow Bouts of Constipation or Diarrhea

HIf you’re one of the 36 million Americans who suffer from migraines, you probably know what you shouldn’t eat. Typical trigger foods include red wine, cheese, and chocolate. However, new research is shedding light on the connection between the brain and the gut. As it turns out, if you want to avoid migraines, what you do eat might be just as important as what you don’t.

As more research comes to light on the importance of our gut health, scientists are linking gut imbalances to many diseases and conditions, from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) to celiac disease to other autoimmune disorders. What’s interesting is that many people who experience these gastrointestinal (GI) issues also regularly suffer from headaches. And the worse the GI issues, the worse the headaches tend to be. What’s more, those who report suffering from migraines also report that they often experience gas, bloating, and alternating constipation and diarrhea either before or after the intense headache.

The brain and the GI tract are linked through neural, endocrine, and immune pathways, so it’s not surprising that problems in the gut can lead to issues in the brain. Studies have found that changing bacterial balance in rats can affect their brain chemistry, making them bolder or more anxious. So it comes as no surprise that one study of 125,000 patients with IBS found that 60 out of every 1,000 patients suffered from migraines, compared to only 22 out of every 1,000 in a control population. Other studies have found that patients with celiac disease are much more likely to suffer from migraines than their control equivalents. Small studies have even found that treating celiac disease through a gluten-free diet may resolve migraines altogether or reduce their frequency.

The link between the GI issues and the headaches may be gut permeability, which causes a pro-inflammatory immune response. This may also help explain the connection between migraines and other inflammatory conditions such as asthma, obesity, metabolic syndrome, and allergies.

Because of this connection, researchers have speculated that improving gut health can reduce inflammation and therefore also improve migraines. One of the best ways to help the gut is through ingesting beneficial bacteria in the form of probiotics.

In a study published online in April, researchers gave 29 participants who suffered from migraines a probiotic supplement every day for 12 weeks. They kept track of both the frequency and severity of their headaches.

On average, the participants saw the number of days they experienced a migraine every month drop from 6.7 to 5.1 days for weeks 5 to 8 and then to 5.2 for the final four weeks. The intensity of the migraines also dropped from an average of 6.3 to 5.5.

The researchers used a Migraine Disability Assessment Scale to measure the participants before and after the trial and found a major improvement, with average scores dropping from 24.8 to 16.6. They reported, “In conclusion, probiotics may decrease migraine, supporting a possible role for the intestine in migraine management.”

I think it’s very exciting to consider the role digestion can play in minimizing migraines, especially because optimal digestion seems to affect every facet of our health. Because of the connection between inflammation and migraines, it’s particularly important to be sure that you aren’t eating inflammatory foods while you’re trying to manage or eliminate migraines.

In fact one study of 500 patients with migraines found that nearly 60% had dairy allergies, 50% had grain allergies, and 35% had egg allergies. Many people don’t even know that they have food allergies until they try an elimination diet and are able to pinpoint what foods cause their symptoms. Any of these could be a hidden trigger of your migraines. This
can also help explain why foods that trigger certain migraine sufferers have no effects on others.

If you suspect you may have a food allergy and you suffer from migraines, either get tested or try eliminating these foods from your diet and reintroducing them one at a time to see if anything causes problems.

You should also consider asking your doctor to test you for small intestinal bowel overgrowth (SIBO) and getting a comprehensive stool diagnosis to help identify any other underlying digestive issues. Resolving these issues could very well help reduce your migraines and will almost certainly improve your quality of life.

Even if you don’t have food allergies, very few of us have optimal digestion. Drinking ginger tea with and between meals can help, as can taking a probiotic. You can also try a turmeric supplement or turmeric tea to reduce inflammation. Consider alternating turmeric with a comprehensive anti-inflammatory formula, such as Reduloxin (800-791-3395).
There are also a number of nutrients and botanicals that are known to influence migraine frequency. These include B2 (riboflavin), feverfew, ginger, methylcobalamin, methylfolate, and magnesium. If digestive solutions don’t do the trick, one of these supplements might be what your body needs to resolve your migraines.

Ultimately, a healthier digestive system will make you less susceptible to general systemic inflammation. Less inflammation means fewer and less severe migraines.

Taking charge of your digestive health can be one of the most powerful and effective ways to reduce inflammation throughout the body, but consider making other lifestyle changes, such as reducing stress, as well to help keep your body as healthy as it can possibly be.

Nutrition Detective

The Secret to Keeping Your Skin Moist During the Cold Winter

You probably know that you need to make changes to your skin care regimen for winter. This can include changing your face wash and your skin cream. The goal of these changes is always hydration, hydration, hydration. In the winter, it’s easy for your skin to get dried out between the harsh wind, indoor heating, and hot baths and showers.

While there are certainly behavioral changes we can make to help combat this dryness, such as taking shorter, cooler showers and drinking plenty of water, what we put on our skin makes a big difference as well. Now there’s new evidence that shows one of my favorite ingredients can make a real, visual, and palpable difference in skin dryness.

Hyaluronic acid is an impressive and effective way to keep skin hydrated. The authors of a new study published in The Scientific World Journal agree. While they performed their study on rats, they believe their findings will have implications for humans as well, as hyaluronic acid has been previously shown in multiple studies to increase skin hydration.

In this study, researchers tested the effects of hyaluronic acid that they administered orally and intravenously to male rats. They found that the rats absorbed approximately 90% of the hyaluronic acid and used it as an energy source to build tissues. They found high levels in the skin, suggesting that it naturally migrated to the skin and out of the bloodstream. The rats didn’t show any excessive accumulation of the hyaluronic acid and eliminated the majority of it over time, indicating that it wasn’t building up in their systems.

These findings suggest that hyaluronic acid might be beneficial and effective in supplement form. You can certainly try that, but why not get it through the skin care products you’re already using? The Système 41 Revitalizing Eye Treatment, Restorative Night Treatment, and Nourishing Day Crème all contain hyaluronic acid.

As we age, our bodies have trouble making the hyaluronic acid they were once able to. The lack of hyaluronic acid can rob you of hydration and your youthful glow, no matter the season. If you’ve noticed that your skin feels drier and tighter in winter, you’ll especially want to give hyaluronic acid a try. With the Système 41 line of products (, you’ll be able to recapture that glow as you learn to care for your skin from both the inside out and the outside in.


Q: I recently read your comments on trans-resveratrol being beneficial for preventing and treating cancer. I’ve had breast cancer for six years, and took trans-resveratrol until I read that it can possibly increase the growth of breast cancer, because of acting like a phytoestrogen. I wonder if I should start it again. What is your opinion of the controversy? – Pat H., Renton, WA

Dear Pat,

Your question is a very good one. The research on the phytoestrogens is somewhat inconclusive. It’s important to know what the resveratrol is combined with. That’s why I formulated Advanced Polyphenol Formula. I don’t think you need to focus just on the resveratrol. The focus in this formula is the polyphenol content and not simply resveratrol.
As I mentioned in this month’s lead article, this formula contains turmeric, wild blueberry, and quercetin (all high in flavonoids), all of which have a different and additional influence. The article listed below, although an animal study, references how grape polyphenols can inhibit breast cancer cell proliferation. And most of the recent research is showing that resveratrol when combined with polyphenols, such as quercetin, has a protective effect.

Q. I read your article on Advanced Blood Sugar Formula. My concern is this, there’s some evidence that berberine has some DNA damaging effects. Is this true? – Marly W., via email

Dear Marly,

Yes, berberine in excessive amounts can potentially be an issue. But Advanced Blood Sugar Formula contains only 50 mg of Goldenthread (Coptis), which in turn probably contains only about 5 mg of berberine. This is a very small amount. Most berberine studies have been done on doses of at least 1,500 mg.

The drivers of Advanced Blood Sugar Formula are Gymnema and Amla. If you read about these herbs, they are non-toxic and easy to tolerate. This formula will not reverse diabetes. But it can help in general blood sugar management.

(1) Berberine is known to inhibit CYP2D6, CYP2C9 and CYP3A4, which may lead to drug interactions. So, if you are taking prescription medication, including antibiotics, it’s best to discuss with your physician before using any berberine products.

(2) It’s best not to take berberine if you’re using metformin. It’s not beneficial to use both simultaneously, and it’s possible that the berberine could impact the full uptake of the metformin. The amount of berberine in this formula would not interfere with metformin, but it is best when taking any supplement to use it at least two hours away from a prescription medication.

Otherwise, small amounts of berberine can be a valuable part of your treatment plan for lowering blood sugar and cholesterol. In addition, it’s important to note that not all berberine is created equal. Our berberine is extracted from plants and is not synthetic.


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