Natural Tocotrienols Help Heal Ulcers and Prevent Recurrence

Researchers wanted to determine how well rats would respond to a natural ulcer remedy compared to the drug omeprazole. The researchers wanted to see how well natural tocotrienols would enhanced growth factors and heal ulcers. While the rats in the stressed control group experienced a decrease in the growth factors needed to repair the ulcers, those in the tocotrienols group increased their levels. In fact, their growth factor levels matched those of the control group that got to skip the stress sessions.

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Blueberry Vinegar Helps Slow Alzheimer’s

Researchers wanted to make blueberry vinegar and see whether it could help mice with induced amnesia. They found that the mice who received the vinegar had less acetylcholine breakdown.

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Hibiscus Plant Lowers Blood Pressure

Researchers just published a meta-analysis of hibiscus studies in the Journal of Hypertension. The researchers determined that on average, the studies showed that hibiscus lowered systolic blood pressure by 7.58 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure by 3.53 mmHg. The higher the participant’s blood pressure was to begin with, the more it dropped.

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