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British researchers examined three years’ worth of data from the British Regional Heart Study. This study included information from 1,622 men ages 71 to 92. They considered 19% of the men to be frail at the beginning of the study. By the end of the study, an additional 10% of the remaining men had become frail as well. The researchers noticed an interesting correlation: the men who were frail or became frail tended to have poorer oral health than the men who didn’t.
Researchers reviewed data from the 2005–2006 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. This survey is conducted every year in the U.S. with approximately 10,000 participants. In 2005–2006, the data collection process included an eye test to check for glaucoma. Of the 1,678 people who took part in the eye testing, about 5% had developed the condition. The researchers examined the diets, including beverage consumption, of the participants and noticed that the participants who drank hot caffeinated tea every day had a 74% lower risk of developing glaucoma compared to those who didn’t.
Researchers found that taking 600 mg of ashwagandha a day significantly improved serum TSH, serum T4, and serum T3 levels, moving them closer to normalization by 19%, 45%, and 21%, respectively.
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