Sleep Improves Significantly Using NFT Bracelets

Natural Frequency Technology (NFT) bracelets helped 96% of wearers experience benefits in at least one area of sleep when wearing the bracelet compared to a placebo. In fact, 43% of participants in a study on the NFT reported feeling more refreshed compared to the placebo. Over half (52%) had more pleasant dreaming experiences. A total of 47% fell asleep faster, while 39% reported sleeping longer, and 36% reported spending fewer minutes awake.

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Mediterranean Diet Reduces Frailty Risk

Researchers at University College London gathered and analyzed several studies examining the Mediterranean diet and frailty. They included four studies conducted in France, Spain, Italy, and China that involved 5,789 participants. Across the studies, the findings consistently showed that a Mediterranean diet reduced frailty risk. In fact, the participants who followed the diet the best over a four-year period cut their risk of frailty in half compared to those who followed it the least consistently. Overall, the diet also seemed to improve muscle strength, activity levels, healthy weight maintenance, and energy levels in the participants.

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Rhodiola Reduces Fatigue and Stress in High Stress Jobs

Researchers found that doctors who took Rhodiola experienced a statistically significant improvement in their mental performance and it was able to reduce general fatigue in spite of their stressful work environment.

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