Popular South American Drink Lowers Breast Cancer Risk

Researchers found that drinking yerba mate helped to balance out a number of hormonally driven risk factors for breast cancer. High yerba mate intake was associated with lower risk of breast cancer overall, and this association also held particularly true for women who consumed high-calorie diets.

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Water Keeps Skin Looking Young Into 90s

This woman shows how water can keep skin looking young even if you’re in your 90s.

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Fish and flaxseed oil fight breast cancer

A researcher at the University of Guelph in Ontario investigated whether plant- or marine-based sources of omega-3 fatty acids are better at fighting breast cancer. He exposed mice genetically engineered to be susceptible to HER-2, an aggressive form of breast cancer to omega-3 oils in utero. Those who he exposed to fish-based oils got great results. Their tumors shrunk by 60-70%. They also experienced a 30% decrease in the number of tumors. But those he exposed to plant-based oils experienced similar benefits, as long as he increased the oil dose. 

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