Why many breast cancer patients may not need chemotherapy

A cancer diagnosis is devastating. And wading through the pros and cons of various treatment options can be exhausting. Since treatments like chemotherapy can have such horrible side effects, it’s important to use them only when they’re truly needed - and likely to be helpful. But it’s often hard to know where to draw the line. Fortunately, new research is improving the guidelines for breast cancer patients.

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Aspirin Reduces Alzheimer’s Risk

Researchers know that lysosomes help remove debris from cells. This includes removing amyloid beta plaques from brain cells. So stimulating lysosomes can reduce Alzheimer’s risk. In a mouse model, researchers found that a daily dose of aspirin can produce this stimulation. 

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Low Vitamin D Levels Linked to Abdominal Fat

Researchers looked at data from the Netherlands Epidemiology of Obesity study to see if there were any connections between fat location and vitamin D levels. They adjusted for chronic disease, alcohol consumption, and physical activity levels. For women, they found a link to low vitamin D with both total body fat and abdominal fat. Men also needed to be concerned about liver fat. But for both groups, the higher the abdominal fat, the lower the vitamin D levels.

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