This Powerful Food from Japan Can Prevent and Even Reverse Osteoporosis

The thought of developing osteoporosis is frightening and overwhelming for most women. We’ve all seen women suffer with severe frailty and broken bones. None of us wants to experience the pain, the lack of mobility, and the constant fear of falling.

So women are always looking for ways to avoid osteoporosis. Most doctors will quickly put you on Fosamax or a similar drug. These drugs carry significant risks.  Fortunately, there are many lifestyle and dietary changes that can help to improve the making and preserving of bone. One such food is from Japan and it has been shown to work wonders to protect your bones….

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Taking This Forgotten Nutrient Increases Energy and Fights Aging

Anne came to see me because she was tired. Her children were grown and her husband had recently passed away, leaving her to cook only for herself. She knew her diet was not as healthy as it had been, but she had no real complaints other than her fatigue and a little extra weight

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Why Fish Oil Supplements Aren’t Helping your Hair, Skin, and Nails Look Fabulous

Have you ever taken fish oil supplements and been disappointed by the results? This is more common than you might think. Many women take fish oil hoping the product would improve their skin, hair, or nails. And they just don’t seem to make a difference. But omega-3s really are effective – if you take them the right way.

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