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We’re losing the war on influenza, and it’s our own fault. We are waiting too long before taking preventive measures. This leaves little options but vaccinations.
As a doctor of Oriental medicine, it never ceases to amaze me how ancient herbal formulas can offer so many benefits. I learned about one of these formulas many years ago. I was shocked to learn that this Tibetan herbal formula cleans out arteries, lowers total cholesterol and the “bad” LDL, cools down inflammation, boosts the immune system, and relieves depression. Sounds too good to be true.
We all know the reasons to avoid dementia. But one factor we rarely consider is what dementia does to the way you think and see life. Recently, researchers decided to investigate whether cognitive decline contributes to suicide rates. What they found might shock you. But there are ways to avoid going down this path....
Connect with Dr. Janet Zand on the Advanced Bionutritionals Facebook Page for her latest advice on your most pressing health concerns, breakthrough developments in women's health, her favorite supplements, vitamins, minerals, and herbs, special offers, and more.
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► A cancer preventive that creates an environment where cancer DOES NOT THRIVE
► A natural supplement that could be an answer to Alzheimer's and Parkinson's
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