This Vitamin Derivative Can Protect Your Nerves and Treat Diabetic Neuropathy

If you or a loved one is diabetic, you know that you need to be careful to avoid developing diabetic neuropathy, or nerve damage. This damage can occur throughout the body, but it’s most common in the legs and feet. Symptoms typically include pain and numbness. However, depending on the nerves involved, it also can include digestive issues, problems with the urinary tract and blood vessels, and even heart troubles. These symptoms can range in severity from mildly inconvenient to disabling to fatal. So it’s important to avoid this condition. Fortunately, there’s a powerful nutrient that can help do just that.

Boost Your Immune System to Fight Shingles, Herpes, and the Common Cold

As you age, you’ve probably experienced a significant decline in your immune function. Your body produces fewer immune cells, making you more susceptible to illness. You may become more prone to inflammation. The lining of your cells, called the endothelium, becomes compromised, and your circulation and oxygenation become less efficient. You even produce less bone marrow. All in all, these issues make you more susceptible to bacterial and viral infections and even to cancer.

Can Foods Really Prevent and Treat Cancer?

Since you’ve chosen to subscribe to this newsletter, I know it’s because you want to have the latest information about how to keep your body healthy and strong – naturally. You don’t want to expose your body to excessive medications or treatments that come with dangerous and difficult side effects. You’d rather use the secret weapons nature has given us to help your body restore itself in a holistic manner – or avoid getting any sort of disease altogether. 

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