Could This Diet Prevent Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Other Brain Diseases?

At some point in your life, you’ve probably heard that some food or another is “brain food.” As more and more research investigates the link between the brain and diet, it seems as though that may be true. However, the best way to feed the brain may have more to do with what you don’t eat than what you do eat.

Can Foods Really Prevent and Treat Cancer?

For years, you’ve probably heard about one food after another that can prevent or treat cancer. But do foods really have the ability to fight cancer? After all, we’ve all heard stories of people with cancer who radically changed their diet, but still died from the disease. It’s good to have a healthy skepticism when it comes to any “miracle cure” for cancer. But foods aren’t miracles. They are fuel for your body. So it’s time for a new look at foods and how to use them to prevent and treat cancer.

Why You Have More Control Over Your Brain Health Than You May Think

Whether you have a family history of dementia or you’re just afraid your mind isn’t as sharp as it once was, you don’t have to lose your memories.

Neurodegeneration is an issue many women are concerned about as we age. This is the loss of neurological health and cognitive function, which is common in diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. As rates of these conditions continue to rise, researchers are racing to increase their understanding of neurodegeneration and provide viable solutions. Their research is giving us the ability to take more control of our brain health as we age. But before I tell you about the research, I want to tell you about Rose.

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►   A cancer preventive that creates an environment where cancer DOES NOT THRIVE

►   A natural supplement that could be an answer to Alzheimer's and Parkinson's

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