Published September 1, 2011
Filters Can’t Protect You From Toxic Water — But This Can
There’s no pure water any more. The waterways throughout the world have become polluted and filled with toxins. More exposure to toxins means more health problems. We’re already seeing an increase in toxin-related illnesses like dementia, neurological diseases, and low immune conditions. People are getting sicker more easily and staying sick longer. Now I’ve uncovered some alarming information on toxins in our waters. Instead of improving, the situation is getting worse. Recent nuclear plant meltdowns, flooding rivers carrying sewage and other contaminants into pastures and farmlands, along with heavy metal leaks from mining, has made contamination worse.
The last source for clean water was from glaciers. Now it, too, has become contaminated. In a study published in the journal Environmental Science and Technology, Swiss researchers looked at the runoff from rapidly melting glaciers in the Swiss Alps. They found that these glaciers are releasing pesticides that were trapped in the ice for decades. And the pesticides are running straight into the lakes. So even our only remaining “pure” water is now toxic.