How Surgery Can Cause Cancer to Reoccur and Spread … And What You Can Do to Avoid This

How Surgery Can Cause Cancer to Reoccur and Spread … And What You Can Do to Avoid This

For many people with cancer, surgical removal of a primary tumor offers the best chance for survival. But what you may not know is that this procedure can backfire. Surgery can do more than get rid of the tumor. It can actually cause remaining cancer cells to spread to other areas. And this secondary metastasis is often more dangerous than the original tumor.

Once you understand the nature of the problem, though, you can take steps to protect yourself from surgery-induced metastasis. But unless you do, you’re at an increased risk for a recurrence that can be fatal.

We all have cancer cells in our bodies, but not all cancer cells form into tumors. A series of events that occur naturally within us keeps most harmless cells from turning into cancer cells that can adhere to the lining of blood vessels and become metastatic. But surgery can alter these steps.

New Treatment Can Stop Chronic Illnesses in Just Four Weeks

New Treatment Can Stop Chronic Illnesses in Just Four Weeks

Jessie was 70 when her health took a dive. She had always been the healthiest person she and her friends knew. She had vitality, was fit, and looked 10 years younger than her age. Then, after a trip abroad, Jessie came down with the flu.

This in itself was unusual, because she hadn’t suffered more than two mild head colds in the past 10 years. And this was no ordinary cold. It was a flu with a high fever. It laid her flat and lasted for three days. During this time, all she could do was lie down and rest or sleep. She managed to drink lots of fluids, but had no appetite.

The Myth About Nitrites Exposed

The Myth About Nitrites Exposed

Why These “Dangerous” Free Radicals Are Good for Cancer Survivors

For years, we’ve heard that nitrites, like those in cured meats, are harmful to our health. We’ve heard that they’re carcinogenic and that we should avoid them at all costs. Well, we’ve heard wrong!

Their bad press comes from a few poor animal studies done in the 1970s and 1980s. The media heard about these studies and ran with this misinformation — and another myth was born. The fact is that research has failed to find any evidence that nitrites and nitrates cause cancer.

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