Is AlzheimerDisease Curable? New Research Suggests It Is

Is Alzheimer’s Disease
Curable? New Research Suggests It Is

A good friend recently told me that one of her relatives just found out she has Alzheimer’s disease. Of course, her family wondered if there was any new information on stopping its progression. So I decided to take a closer look at current research. This relative is only in her early 60s. As you can imagine, her diagnosis shook her family to its core. After all, we’ve all heard that Alzheimer’s is a progressive disease with no cure. But what I found in my search suggests you can stop it and, at times, even reverse it – without expensive high-tech treatments.

The Forbidden Fat You Should Be Eating

The Forbidden Fat You Should Be Eating

Dietary fats are greatly misunderstood. Most people don’t know which are healthful and which are harmful. Some people shun or limit all of them, while others make fatty foods the focus of their diet. Of all the fats, saturated fats may be among the most misunderstood of all. They’re found in red and processed meats, dairy, and eggs. For decades we’ve been warned that eating them would lead to heart disease. That’s when many people switched from eating butter (saturated) to using vegetable oils and margarines (polyunsaturated).

The Light That Can Eliminate Tremors and Improve Cognition

The Light That Can Eliminate Tremors and Improve Cognition

Joyce has had tremors for four years, which began after a three-day flu. Because there were no other symptoms other than fatigue and fuzzy thinking, her team of integrative doctors believed they were related to the virus rather than Parkinson’s. 

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