The Light That Can Eliminate Tremors and Improve Cognition

February 2014
Volume 20    |   Issue 2

Joyce has had tremors for four years, which began after a three-day flu. Because there were no other symptoms other than fatigue and fuzzy thinking, her team of integrative doctors believed they were related to the virus rather than Parkinson’s.

She tried everything her health team could think of. Fortunately, she had resources that were greater than most people could even imagine. After four years, she had succeeded in eliminating all of her symptoms except the tremors. Then she came to see me.

In July 2013, I read an article in Second Opinion, the excellent newsletter written by my colleague Dr. Robert Rowen, about light therapy. I had explored light for healing many years ago. It’s a treatment modality both of the past and the future. In fact, it’s one of the oldest therapeutic methods used by man.

In ancient Egypt, they designed rooms so they would break the sun’s rays into various colors of the spectrum to help heal the body and mind. And in the Middle Ages, one reason people went to church was to be healed by being bathed in colored lights that shone on them through stained glass windows.

Today, light therapy is the subject of scientific studies and scientific theories. It has become more sophisticated – and more acceptable in the healing community.

But not all light, wavelengths, and doses work for any particular application or person. The trick is to find the optimal dose and wavelength.

Low level laser (or light) therapy (LLLT) has been the subject of many clinical studies known for its ability to promote tissue regeneration, reduce inflammation, and relieve pain. In addition, it is protective against cell and tissue death, stimulates healing wounds and nerves, and repairs injuries. People have seen improvements in sports injuries and carpal tunnel syndrome, as well as pain reduction in arthritis and neuropathies. Some renowned neurologists are now studying it. They have found that it improved cognition and reduced symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.

30 years of light therapy

I am no stranger to light therapy. I first incorporated it in my environmental massage practice in the mid-1970s. In it, I bathed my clients’ bodies in colored lights that coincided with their emotions, creating an environment that was conducive to relaxation and increased energy. My clients said they could feel a beneficial difference from the colors I used.

You may be surprised, as I was, to hear that light therapy has been used by NASA for years. In fact, what is now known as low level light therapy (LLLT) was developed for NASA. They first used it to stimulate plant growth in space.

Then researchers explored the use of red or near-infrared LEDs (light emitting diodes) to produce light without the undesired heat produced by incandescent bulbs. They found that this technology also applied to healing wounds and injuries in astronauts in space.

You may have heard that osteoporosis is a consequence of living in space. So is muscle atrophy. This is because human cells need gravity to stimulate growth. Both of these conditions improved dramatically – without increased gravity – when exposed to the near-infrared light of specific wavelength frequencies used in NASA’s studies.

How LLLT works

LLLT exposes cells to low levels of either red or near-infrared light. It is affected by the light’s brightness (amplitude), wavelength (color), and angle of vibration (polarization). Your tissues absorb most of the light. Studies suggest that this increases energy within cells. Within each of our cells are color-sensitive chemicals. LEDs activate these chemicals, which decreases inflammation and speeds up the healing of wounds, muscles, and other tissues.

The wavelengths and their doses used in LLLT are critical. Contrary to what you might think, low doses of a wavelength work better than the same wavelength at high doses. Wavelengths between 780 and 950 nm penetrate deeply into tissues, which is ideal for directing light to the brain.

Scientists at the University of the Health Sciences in Bethesda, MD, have documented that 810 nm wavelength light applied to the scalp passes through the skull and into the brain, and can be effective in improving neurological function.

This is the exact wavelength of the intranasal LLLT device mentioned in Dr Rowen’s article to reduce inflammation in neurological conditions.
It’s the Vielight, made by MedicLights Research, a Canadian company. They have taken the LLLT technology and boosted its effectiveness with an unusual and proprietary delivery system that beams light into the brain and could be the answer to serious neurological conditions.

The intranasal LLLT device

Until now, light was able to penetrate the brain by directing it from outside to inside the skull. Researchers used red or near-infrared light to reach the deeper parts of the brain. Now the folks at Vielight have come up with another method. It uses the same 810 nm wavelength and directs this light through the nose to the brain by way of a comfortable clip that fits gently into your nostril. What was formerly a difficult to reach area of the brain from outside the skull has become a simple delivery system that may be the most effective way of getting a healing light deep into the mid-brain.

Why is this important? Because the nasal cavity is mostly air and soft tissue, it allows for greater light penetration. In one study, only 15% of laser power went through the skin, and only 6% of those were able to penetrate through skin and skull. This is because the intranasal path has a much thinner bone, which allows for more light to get into the brain. Not just any part of the brain, but a part of the mid-brain behind the hypothalamus that can be reached by the Vielight.

Past studies found that LLLT resulted in significant improvement in stroke patients after just five days. In other studies, the Vielight 810 was shown to give positive results in from 10 days to three weeks.

Researchers at major universities are now exploring the use of specific light to normalize brain function. We have just begun to see what LLLT can do for cognition and tremors, but initial studies are encouraging. You may want to explore this avenue as well, since this therapy is non-invasive, safe, and easy to do.

The Vielight is the only device that gets the 810 nm wavelength into the mid-brain by directing light through the nose. If you want to reach the deeper levels of the brain because you’re concerned with improving cognition and neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, my recommendation is to use Vielight’s 810 model.

The nose clip fits easily on either nostril. Some people alternate nostrils each day to more evenly bathe the brain with light. The device itself is small and fits in a pocket. It is pre-programmed to turn off after a session, which lasts only 25 minutes. It couldn’t be simpler to use.

I was eager to see what the Vielight could do for Joyce’s tremors, so I had her use it faithfully every morning for three weeks. During the first week she had two days without any shaking whatsoever. Then the tremors resumed. However, one major change is that there are days when her shaking is hardly noticeable.

The LLLT technology has been shown to work with numerous people, and the delivery system makes sense for treating brain-related conditions. In some studies, it took eight weeks or longer to get results, and since there are no side effects or risks, you have nothing to lose by trying it.

This is not a watered-down version of a LLLT device. It’s the real thing. You can get the Vielight 810 for $599 by calling 855-875-6841. Mention this article and they’ll waive shipping charges. If it doesn’t work for you, send it back for an 80% refund. I know of no other devices that will give you any refund. Since the Vielight can’t be re-sold, this is a very generous offer.

This Common Intestinal Bacterium Can Lead to Stomach Cancer – But Here Are Some Simple Solutions

Bacteria are more important to your health than you may think. A recent study published in Nature found that a quarter of the worlds’ population had 40% fewer bacteria in their gut than they needed to be healthy. And another study found an association between this reduced amount of intestinal bacteria and obesity.

The key to the association between obesity and bacteria may be inflammation both in the digestive tract and throughout the body. We don’t know yet whether low levels of bacteria cause obesity, or whether obesity causes fewer intestinal bacteria. But we do know that there is a connection with gut bacteria and being overweight. Now we’re seeing a connection between intestinal bacteria and cancer.

We need hundreds of different species of beneficial intestinal bacteria to be healthy because they each affect us differently. Some strengthen our immune system. Others communicate with nerve cells and hormone-producing cells. Still others affect our weight.

I spoke about the need for sufficient intestinal bacteria several months ago, but today I want to focus on one particular bacterium that may cause stomach cancer. If you can get this microbe under control, you will reduce your risk for stomach cancer and other inflammatory immune conditions as well. And it’s possible to do this without any expensive tests or prescription medications.

How H. pylori triggers stomach cancer H. pylori, as you may know, is a bacterium linked to stomach cancer. Half of the people on earth already have this bacterium in their gut. It suppresses the body’s production of a particular antimicrobial, human beta defensin 1, which is in the stomach lining. The job of this antimicrobial is to prevent a bacterial infection. Studies show that people with the least amount of this antimicrobial had the most H. pylori, and were thus at a higher risk for stomach cancer.

One way this bacterium may be contributing to cancer is by turning off the part of the immune system that controls inflammation. This allows it to thrive in the stomach lining and let strains of H. pylori to set up colonies and damage the tissues they invade.

Your intestines hold the clue to this connection between bacteria and cancer. It contains more immune cells than the rest of your body. In a healthy person, intestinal bacteria stimulate the immune system, and the immune system communicates with the microbes. But a poor diet consisting of refined foods and sugars, along with antibiotic overuse, are just two of a number of conditions that interrupts their conversation. This results in chronic inflammation – and as you may know, inflammation is linked to all our major illnesses including heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.

Reducing H. pylori naturally

How do you know whether or not you have H. pylori? If you suspect you have this bacterium you can get a blood or breath test through your doctor. Or you can just take some substances that keep this bacterium in check.

For many years, people have believed that hot peppers cause stomach ulcers. We now know that H. pylori is most often the culprit. And peppers often have the opposite effect. In fact, you can use capsaicin, otherwise known as hot chili – to get rid of this pathogenic bacterium. Capsaicin often works better than drugs, and it doesn’t have any unpleasant side effects (except maybe a slightly burning in your mouth).

Chili peppers

Numerous studies have shown that capsaicin inhibits the growth of H. pylori. In one study, it worked within four hours. It took only small amounts to beat antibiotic-resistant strains.

In another study, researchers tested various strains of H. pylori with a hot chili extract. There was antibacterial activity in 100% of the strains after just half an hour.

If you like spicy foods as I do, just add a little hot chili paste or Srirracha to your foods. You can find both in the Asian section of most supermarkets. Or take four to six capsules of capsaicin with food if you don’t like or can’t tolerate spicy foods.

Coconut oil

Studies show that lauric acid, the fatty acid in coconut oil, kills H. pylori by damaging its cell wall and destroying it. Studies have found it to be highly antimicrobial for this and other pathogens, including Candida albicans. You may want to add it to your diet by using coconut oil on vegetables and salads. Begin with one teaspoon three times a day. If you’d rather take a supplement, you can buy Monolaurin, a lauric acid supplement, available on the Internet.

Broccoli sprouts

Another solution may be found in the produce section of your supermarket. Researchers have found that sulforaphane, a chemical in broccoli sprouts, effectively eradicates H. pylori in laboratory and animal studies. The journal Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (December 2003) published a study which concluded that sulforaphane eradicated 73% of people treated with broccoli sprouts compared with no eradication whatsoever in the untreated group. Many supermarkets now sell packages of broccoli sprouts in their produce section. If yours doesn’t carry them, ask the grocer to get them.

You don’t have to suffer from ulcers, inflammation, or stomach cancer. All of these treatments are highly effective, completely safe, and easy to use. You should include most of them in your diet whether you have any of these problems or not. They will prevent H. pylori and the health problems it causes.

Fahey, J.W., X. Haristoy, P.M. Dolan, T.W. Kensler, I. Scholtus, K.K. Stephenson, P. Talalay, and A. Lozniewski. “Sulforaphane inhibits extracellular, intracellular, and antibiotic-resistant strains of Helicobacter pylori and prevents benzo[a]pyrene-induced stomach tumors,” Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2002 May 28;99(11):7610-5.

Gaddy, J.A., J.N. Radin, J.T. Loh, F. Zhang, M.K. Washington, R.M. Peek, H.M.S. Algood, and T.L. Cover. “High dietary salt intake exacerbates Helicobacter pylori-induced gastric carcinogenesis.” Infection and Immunity, 2013.

Jones, N.L., et al. “Capsaicin as an inhibitor of the growth of the gastric pathogen Helicobacter pylori,” FEMS Microbiol Lett, January 15, 1997.
Nature, September 2013.

O’Mahoney, R., et al. “Bactericidal and anti-adhesive properties of culinary and medicinal plants against Helicobacter pylori,” World J Gastroenterol, December 21, 2005.

Paddock, Catharine, PhD. “Gut bacteria may cause cancer by disarming immune system.” Medical News Today. MediLexicon, Intl., 3 September 2013. Web. 4 September 2013. <>

These Drugs Lower Your Blood Pressure, But How Long Are They Safe to Take?

Not all medications are safe to take over long periods of time. Take tamoxifen, a medicine that blocks the activity of estrogen. At first it appeared to be safe for long-term protection against some hormone-related cancers. Then researchers found it increased a woman’s risk for several kinds of cancers after just five years.

A limitation on long-term use seems to be true of calcium channel blockers (CCBs), as well. Doctors use them to lower blood pressure – and are the most commonly prescribed class of medications in the country.

At one time it looked like you could take any CCB forever without any consequences. Then a new study found that when you take them over a long period of time – 10 years or more – they can lead to breast cancer.

This news was surprising, because anti-hypertensives like Procardia have been prescribed to women year after year. None of the studies on this class of medications suggested that they could be dangerous. That’s because all of them have been short-term studies. Until now.

Researchers from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center recently conducted the only long-term study on calcium channel blockers for hypertension. They discovered that long-term use of this particular class of anti-hypertensive drugs increased a woman’s risk for breast cancer. But taking them for a shorter period of time, or taking a different type of anti-hypertensive drug, didn’t.

So if you’ve been taking calcium channel blockers for two or three years, you have nothing to worry about. If you’ve been taking them for nine years or more, you may want to speak with your doctor about a different anti-hypertensive. Or look for a lifestyle change to reduce your blood pressure, such as daily exercise, meditation, or adding an herb like Kava. I’ve written a number of articles on lowering blood pressure naturally. They’re available on my website to all subscribers. And none of these solutions will lead to cancer.

This recent information on CCBs should remind us all that studies have their limitations. Some are gender-specific. Others are based on the activity of cells in a laboratory, not conducted on people. Before you draw any conclusions, read a study carefully to see what it really says. If you don’t have the time or interest to do this, keep reading this newsletter and I’ll continue to help you understand whether or not a study may apply to you – and what you can do if it does.

By the way, authors of this CCB study are not recommending that anyone stop using these particular anti-hypertensives, even if they’ve been using them for many years. Why? Because this study was an observational study, not a randomized double-blind study, and there is no substantial proof that CCBs can increase your risk of cancer.

I disagree with their conclusion. Especially since it may be possible to exchange a drug – which may have side effects like cancer – for a lifestyle change.

JAMA Internal Medicine, August 5, 2013.


There’s No Need to Avoid the Most Powerful Antioxidant of All

Berries are not the highest source of antioxidants consumed in this country. Not even wild blueberries or acai. All berries are high in antioxidants, but many people avoid the strongest one. This honor belongs to a beverage, not a fruit or a supplement. While numerous studies find it’s beneficial, some of the people who would benefit most from it shun it, believing it’s dangerous. Nothing could be further from the truth.

This popular drink lowers your risk for Parkinson’s disease, protects against type-2 diabetes, and protects your heart. But that’s not all. It may surprise you to hear that it also lowers your risk for getting a stroke or liver cancer. And although much of it contains caffeine, this doesn’t reduce its benefits.

The drink I’m talking about is coffee, and the good news for coffee lovers worldwide is that people who drink one or two cups a day – either caffeinated or decaf – are supporting their health, not harming it. The same levels of antioxidants were found in both kinds of coffee.

If you’re particularly sensitive to caffeine, and it either makes you anxious or affects your sleep, you should, of course, avoid it. And according to the British Journal of Pharmacology, regular coffee can reduce your ability to become pregnant.

On the other hand, drinking coffee regularly can lower incidents of cirrhosis of the liver in alcohol drinkers (Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program) by 22%. Some studies found that drinking three cups a day reduced their risk by more than 50%. So you can see that drinking coffee is good for your health in general, and for your liver in particular. If you enjoy a cup or two a day, indulge.

Medical News Today, July 2012, “Drinking Coffee: More Good Than Harm?”


Q: Whenever I eat something sweet, my scalp begins to itch. Do you have any idea of what may be causing this? And what I can do to stop this annoying reaction? — T.K., North Hollywood, CA

A: Candida albicans is a yeast that sometimes turns into a fungal infection, and it feeds off of sugar. This sugar may be refined, or just too much fruit or fruit juice. If you have candida, it’s essential to eliminate refined sugar from your diet temporarily, and to reduce any intake of honey and fruits. That’s not all. Milk contains a high amount of lactose (milk sugar), which promotes the overgrowth of candida. So it would be best for you to stop using milk.

Next, take an anti-yeast formula like garlic capsules or caprylic acid. Both are found in health food stores and both work well to kill off candida. Unfortunately, there’s no other way to reduce candida.

If you have an overgrowth, it’s important to treat it since it can lower your overall immunity. By avoiding sugars for a few months, and taking an over-the-counter anti-candida formula in health food stores, you should be able to tell whether or not candida is the source of your itching.

Q: Do you have any recommendations for sleep? Melatonin doesn’t work. Valerian doesn’t work. Your Advanced Sleep Formula gave me diarrhea. Do you have any other suggestions? — J.D., Ogden, UT

A: I have found two products that work for me and for other people who have non-responsive sleep issues. My colleague, Dr. Isaac Eliaz, MD, LAc, has developed a formula called Pure Sleep, which works better than any sleep formula I’ve ever seen or used. One of its key ingredients is Honokiol, a nutrient found in magnolia bark. Chinese Traditional Medicine uses this bark for sleep and other disorders. It also contains other herbs, minerals, and amino acids in a combination unlike any others. And it comes with a full money-back guarantee. I use it nightly, and it gives me seven to eight hours of uninterrupted sleep. You can order it by calling 800-791-3395.

The second product is the Sleep Bracelet from the Philip Stein Company. It contains a disc that produces frequencies that reduce stress and improve sleep. No kidding. It really works. The technology of the future is here! In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study conducted by sleep expert Michael Breus, PhD, 96% of participants who wore this bracelet at night had improvements in their sleep.

The Sleep Bracelet is not cheap, but it’s well worth the cost of $395. It comes with a five-year warranty on the technology. The bracelet’s band is made of an ultra-soft microfiber fabric, which lets the skin breathe at night. All you need to do is put it on your wrist before going to bed.

The company suggests you wear it for 30 days consecutively to experience its benefits, and they’re so sure it will work that they offer a 60-day money back guarantee. It worked for every person I gave it to. The Sleep Bracelet is available by calling 855-533-3939 or through its website:

I have found the combination of calming capsules and the sleep bracelet works better than any one product alone. Try them separately or together and let me know which helps you sleep best.

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