Beating Breast Cancer Even When It’s Genetic

Beating Breast Cancer Even When It’s Genetic

Elizabeth first came to my office immediately after her twin sister received the overwhelming diagnosis of breast cancer. Elizabeth was worried that the same fate might be in store for her. She said, “I will do anything to prevent this – what do I need to do?”

Time for a Big Transition!

Time for a Big Transition!

What would it be like if you had time to just “be”? Time you could spend reflecting on who you are? What would your life be like if you were not under any pressure to have to do anything in particular?


Effective Ways to Get Rid of Shingles

Effective Ways to Get Rid of Shingles

Some say shingles pain feels like knives. Others describe it as being more like being stabbed by a hot poker. But everyone agrees it causes some of the most intense pain they have ever experienced. Shingles is the reactivation of the herpes zoster virus – a childhood virus that affects over 500,000 Americans each year. If you ever had shingles, you know exactly what I mean.?

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