Secrets of Living to 100

As someone who’s interested in natural solutions to health and longevity, you’ve probably heard of the Blue Zones before. If not, here’s a quick recap: National Geographic explorer and author, Dan Buettner, began investigating areas around the globe that had higher-than-average populations of centenarians. He wanted to follow people who live to be 100 years old in order to discover some of the secrets to their good health. 

Don’t Let Age and Diabetes Rob You of Your Eyesight

A few months ago, I told you about the surprising connection between glaucoma, Alzheimer’s disease, and diabetes. There are now researchers who consider both glaucoma and Alzheimer’s to be related to “diabetes of the brain,” and some even call Alzheimer’s “type-3 diabetes” or “glaucoma of the brain.” It’s clear that there is a connection, and you can read more about this connection and how to protect yourself in the August 2015 issue of Women’s Health Letter. Unfortunately, glaucoma isn’t the only vision issue that diabetics need to worry about. But the good news is that there are a number of steps you can take to avoid vision complications as you age.

3 Secrets to Beating Osteoporosis

Most of the women I know want to continue to lead healthy, independent lives as they age. That’s a great goal – and in reach for many of us. To achieve this goal, we must recognize and avoid the largest issues. One of these threats is osteoporosis, the weakening of the bones. Osteoporosis in and of itself may not be as debilitating on a daily basis as many other chronic conditions. But it can be just as dangerous.

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