What you don’t taste can harm you. Foods or liquids in plastic containers that break down in sunlight taste the same as those stored in glass. The difference is that they are toxic. Over time, the accumulation of these toxins can contribute to health problems.
Several years ago, researchers found that a number of plastic water bottles, baby bottles, and other plastic containers contained a dangerous substance. The culprit was an organic compound in these plastics called bisphenol A, or BPA. Other researchers found that BPA contributed to a number of serious illnesses. These included cancer, diabetes, heart disease, asthma, and impaired neurological development. The problem was that BPA acted like estrogen and changed cell growth patterns.
I’ve been writing about this and warning you about BPA for the past five years. And many of you listened. You took action and refused to buy water in plastic bottles made with BPA. You avoided other plastic containers made with BPA and stored food in glass instead. This put pressure on the plastics industry to make some changes, and they got the message.
Before the FDA could restrict its use, plastics manufacturers found a way to save their industry and calm down the public. They made BPA-free plastic bottles and other products. What they failed to tell anyone was that these products contain bisphenol S (BPS) — a compound similar in structure to BPA. And just like BPA, BPS disrupts hormone activity and changes cell growth patterns.
The bottom line is, BPS is no safer than BPA. Even, surprisingly, in low amounts. In fact, a combination of tiny amounts of these xenoestrogens is many times more harmful than any one of them alone.
A study out of the University of Texas was the first to find that you don’t need a lot of BPS to affect health problems. The researchers of this study exposed rat cells to a similar amount of BPS that people are exposed to and found that these amounts interfered with the way their cells responded to estrogen. We already knew that former studies found that BPS mimics estrogen. This study showed it could alter estrogen at the same low doses that people are being exposed to.
BPA is found both in many plastic containers and in canned food liners. It’s possible to at least reduce your exposure to this chemical by avoiding these products. But the trick is to avoid BPS as well. And this is no easy task. After the bad publicity surrounding BPA, BPS replaced BPA in the manufacturing of thermal cash register receipts. Originally, they were making these with BPA. This means that every time you touch and sign the paper receipt for your credit card, you’re exposing yourself to more BPS.
A recent study found that every thermal receipt that they tested contained BPS. This problem is now worldwide. Around 81% of people in eight countries have traces of BPS in their urine. Ninety-three percent of all Americans do, as well. Most of us have a detectable amount of this in our body.
Wait: The News Gets Worse
Where else do you find BPS? In money. It’s in 87% of paper currency and in 52% of recycled paper. It’s now disturbingly obvious. You can’t avoid exposure to BPS any more than you can completely avoid BPA.
Perhaps the most dangerous exposure to BPS is in the thermal paper used in ultrasound and other medical machine printouts because it exposes pregnant women to this toxin. Pregnant women should certainly avoid handling thermal paper printouts.
What else can you do to reduce your contact with BPS?
Get rid of thermal receipts on a daily basis. Don’t handle them unnecessarily or let them collect in your purse. If you need to save them, put them in a file folder and file them away.
The Most Effective Solution
It’s obvious that you can’t avoid exposure to either BPA or BPS now or in the future. And these chemicals are extremely difficult to remove from tissues where your body stores them. But sound scientific studies indicate that pectins and alginates are able to bind to and excrete them.
Most detoxification products remove some toxins, but not BPA or BPS. These hormone disrupters are called “dioxin-like” compounds and are structurally similar to pesticides like PCBs, PBBs, and dioxins — toxins that pectin and alginate can remove. Both of these are found in a natural formula I’ve talked about before. In fact, you may be taking it already. It’s PectaSol® Detox Formula (PDF) — a product that contains both Modified Citrus Pectin and Modified Alginate Complex.
We know that these dietary fibers bind to dioxin-like compounds. They also have the advantage of binding to pesticides and heavy metals like lead and mercury.
PDF is one of the most important supplements you can take because you are constantly exposed to hormone disrupters. A buildup of these toxic substances can lead to serious and chronic illnesses. One way to get and stay healthy is to constantly detoxify.
It’s best, especially for the first year, to take PDF morning and night on a daily basis. But if this isn’t possible, you may want to take it during the spring and summer months when your body naturally detoxifies. Bottom line: the more regularly you are able to effectively detoxify, the more positive effects your diet and other supplements can have on your health.
If you know or suspect you have any hormone imbalance or any toxic condition, and don’t know what to do, I suggest you begin with an effective detoxification program using PectaSol® Detox Formula. If it doesn’t resolve your problem, it certainly will bind to heavy metals like lead and mercury, which can boost your immunity. You can find this detoxification formula from Advanced Bionutritionals (800-791-3395). Don’t forget to use code WH7213 when you order.
Aozasa, Osamu, et al. “Enhancement in fecal excretion of dioxin isomer in mice by several dietary fibers,” Chemosphere, 45 (2001).
Bienkowski, Brian. Environmental Health News, January 17, 2013.
Environmental Science & Technology, July 2012.
How Dangerous Is This Year’s Flu?
Every year thousands of people come down with an ordinary garden-variety of the flu. At most, it causes a week of discomfort. But some years, a more virulent strain appears. In 2003, it was the H5N1 bird flu strain, which killed more than half of the infected people on three continents. This flu primarily attacked healthy people in their 20s and 30s.
One current bird flu virus, H7N9, could be much more dangerous, especially to seniors. A study from Hong Kong University suggests that the risk of infection from this strain increases with age making the elderly most vulnerable.
So far, H7N9 has been transmitted only from infected poultry to humans. Currently, there’s no evidence that this strain can transmit from humans to humans. That’s the good news. But one thing we know is that influenza viruses constantly mutate. And officials at the World Health Organization are concerned that this deadly strain of the flu might eventually do just that and spread among humans.
Some say it already has. A spokesperson from the Chinese Center for Disease Control announced that 40% of people who contracted the H7N9 virus have had no contact with poultry. It already has two of the three characteristics of a pandemic virus, and because this particular virus hasn’t infected humans in the past, we don’t have immunity to it.
The H7N9 bird flu virus is not new to birds, but this is the first time it’s infected people. And authorities from around the world are watching carefully to see whether or not long-term exposure to someone with this virus can cause person-to-person transmission. That would be a sign that H7N9 has mutated and has become much more dangerous.
Meanwhile, the Chinese are slaughtering thousands of birds and they’ve closed many poultry markets in an attempt to slow down the progression of this flu. Little else has been done in China to protect people from contracting this virus. But I have some suggestions you may want to take to protect yourself from any virus.
Boost your immunity
The key to fighting any flu is a strong immune system. But strengthening immunity takes time. Don’t wait until the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) or other agency announces a flu pandemic. Begin today.
Get enough sleep. Your immune-protective T-cells become suppressed when you lack sufficient sleep, making you more vulnerable to colds and flu. And it’s more difficult for you to fight off a virus when you’re sleep-deprived. But that’s not all. Flu vaccines are less effective when you lack enough sleep. Aim for six to seven hours of sleep each night to support your immune system.
If you have trouble sleeping, try wearing the Sleep Bracelet I reviewed last September (800-237-9477). It’s imbedded with a combination of frequencies that allow you to relax, fall asleep easily, and remain asleep. If you’d rather take a supplement, Pure Sleep from Advanced Bionutritionals may be just what you need. Both come with a money-back guarantee.
Check your vitamin D levels. Norwegian researchers who specialize in studying flu epidemics found that vitamin D is a crucial factor in fighting the flu. In winter months when vitamin D levels are lowest, there are 20-600 times more deaths from the flu in Norway, Asia, and the U.S. than during a summer epidemic. These scientists found that vitamin D strengthens immunity and acts like an antibiotic or antiviral.
Ask your doctor to order a vitamin D blood test. Most doctors and labs believe that 40 nmol/L is sufficient. But John Cannell, MD, who heads the Vitamin D Council, says that 60-80 nmol/L is most protective. I agree. If your levels are low, consider taking 5,000 IU of vitamin D3 a day. (I’ll have more on vitamin D in a moment.)
Take an immune-boosting supplement daily. There are many to choose from, and here are a few of my favorites. Studies have shown that Echinacea Plus herb tea, or Echinacea Elder Herbal Syrup, both from Traditional Medicinals, strengthens the immune system against colds and flu. Both can be found in health food stores,
Astragalus is a Chinese herb that stimulates the immune system and has historically been used to fight the flu. It’s also available in health food stores and through the internet.
My favorite, however, is MycoPhyto® Complex, a combination of medicinal mushrooms grown on immune-enhancing herbs. I’ve used it for more than ten years for my family, my friends, and myself and it has never failed me. The one year I didn’t take it, I came down with the flu. I now take it year-round morning and night. You can order it (along with Pure Sleep) by calling 800-791-3395.
The Sunlight Research Forum. “Vitamin D Deficiency Likely Responsible For Flu Epidemic.” Medical News Today. MediLexicon, Intl., 31 January 2013. Web. 4 February 2013. <http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/releases/255604.php>
When Does Vitamin D Best Protect Against Breast Cancer?
Vitamin D can protect you from breast cancer, but only if you get enough of it at the right time. We know from past studies that low blood levels of vitamin D can raise your risk for breast cancer. But just how high should these amounts be? And how does timing matter?
As you may recall my saying from previous articles, mainstream doctors insist that vitamin D levels of 30-40 ng/ml are high enough to be beneficial. But a meta-analysis conducted in 2011 disagrees. It found that 30 ng/ml is actually much too low. When serum D is at least 50 ng/ml it can cut your risk of breast cancer by 50%. I’ve been saying that your vitamin D should be at least this high for maximum protection from numerous health problems for years. Now we know this applies to breast cancer as well.
A 2011 analysis of multiple studies found that women who had blood levels of 50 ng/ml had a 50% lower risk for getting breast cancer.
A new study out of UC San Diego is even more specific. It discovered when vitamin D offers the greatest protection for breast cancer — three months before a cancer diagnosis. The researchers believe this is the time when a tumor is most actively seeking out blood vessels needed for its growth. So it looks like there may be a window of time when vitamin D is most protective.
This study looked at the blood levels of 1,200 healthy premenopausal women. Those whose vitamin D was low for three months before a cancer diagnosis had three times the risk as women with the highest amounts.
Just how can you know when it’s three months before a cancer diagnosis? This study doesn’t say. But it makes sense that if your vitamin D levels are 50-80 ng/ml at all times, you’re getting its protective qualities.
The best way to know how much vitamin D you need is to get a blood test. But if you can’t for any reason, taking at least 4,000 IU/day should boost your level to 50 ng/ml. I take 5,000 IU/day of D3 (the best absorbable form) from Advanced Bionutritionals (800-791-3395) and it keeps my vitamin D levels where I want them.
Although vitamin D may reduce the risk of breast cancer three months before diagnosis in premenopausal women, past studies have found it’s also protective in postmenopausal women. Again, it may be most protective when levels are high months before a diagnosis. That’s why I’m suggesting you take it now.
I consider high amounts of vitamin D3 to be among the most important nutrients you can take at any age. There’s no way you can get enough of this vitamin through exposure to sunlight – even on sunny days. So make sure you add it to your daily vitamin regime.
University of California – San Diego. “Low Vitamin D Levels Linked To High Risk Of Premenopausal Breast Cancer.” Medical News Today. MediLexicon, Intl., 29 January 2013.
These Foods, High in Healthful Fats, Will Be Available Soon at Your Local Grocers
You probably know from numerous studies — and from many of my past newsletter articles — that omega-3 fatty acids are extremely beneficial nutrients. Some of what they do is protect against heart disease, high blood pressure, and lower cholesterol through their anti-inflammatory properties. These fats are high in cold-water fish, walnuts, flaxseeds, and olive oil. And fish oil supplements.
Research has found the ideal daily dose of omega-3 fats to be around 2,000 mg a day. One popular recommendation is to eat two or more servings of fish a week. But this doesn’t provide enough healthful fats, and there are other problems with this suggestion. Not everyone likes baked or broiled fish, and deep fried fish won’t give you the same benefits. Neither will factory farmed fish, which are less expensive but low in omega-3s and are the majority of fish sold in restaurants and many supermarkets.
Food suppliers are taking this information on omega-3 fats as a business opportunity. They’re looking for ways to increase healthful fats in other foods. Egg farmers were the first to do this. They discovered that they could boost the omega-3 content of eggs by adding flaxseeds to their chickens’ feed.
Now, researchers from several universities are finding ways to increase the amounts of healthful fats in other foods. In the future, we should see milk, butter, cheese, and even ice cream available with higher levels of omega-3 fats. And fortified hamburgers with more omega-3s and less saturated fats are about to become available in grocery stores and restaurants.
More nutritious dairy
In a new study, researchers at Oregon State University took 10 pregnant cows and fed them traditional cattle feed comprised of corn, grains, alfalfa hay, and grass silage. The milk they produced was low in omega-3 fats. Then they fed the cows various amounts of flaxseed to find the optimal quantity that would change their fat balance without negatively affecting their production, texture, and taste. It took six pounds of flaxseed a day to increase the healthful fatty acids by 70% and reduce saturated fats by 17%.
These researchers know it will cost a lot more to add flaxseed to traditional cattle feed. But they also know there are plenty of people who are willing and able to pay more for dairy products high in omega-3s.
A better burger
Research out of Kansas State University found that by adding flaxseed to ground beef, they could increase their omega-3 levels from none to 200 mg for a quarter pound burger. At the same time, they could decrease their saturated fats — all without changing their taste. This not only resulted in a healthier burger, beef and dairy cattle given flaxseed had fewer respiratory diseases and higher fertility. Fewer infections means the cows need fewer antibiotics. When it’s available in your area, you’ll find this ground beef under the name of GreatO Premium Ground Beef.
In case you want to alert your grocery store about this enriched USDA-approved ground beef, they can find it by looking
up NBO3 Technologies, LLC. This company will expand their line of omega-3 high foods to include Premium Chicken, Premium Pork — including bacon — and Premium Dairy (milk, butter, and cream). Initially, GreatO Premium ground Beef will be available in one-pound loafs. Eventually, you’ll be able to buy it in frozen and fresh patties as well as steaks and roasts.
Kansas State University (2013, February 4). “Omega-3-rich ground beef available soon.” ScienceDaily.
Oeffner, S.P., Y. Qu, J. Just, N. Quezada, E. Ramsing, M. Keller, G. Cherian, L. Goddick, and G. Bobe. “Effect of flaxseed supplementation rate and processing on the production, fatty acid profile, and texture of milk, butter, and cheese.” Journal of Dairy Science, 2013.
Should You Take Aspirin for Your Heart? The Answer May Surprise You
A lot of people take a baby aspirin a day to prevent a heart attack or stroke. But does it really work? Once we thought so, but more recent studies have found that aspirin isn’t beneficial for everyone. A study out of the University of Alberta, Canada, found that more than 40% of adults who have no cardiovascular disease are taking aspirin preventively, a condition called primary prevention.
The problem is that the majority of studies conducted over the past three to five years concluded that taking aspirin for primary prevention doesn’t change mortality. An aspirin a day doesn’t reduce deaths from heart disease or stroke. It makes more sense for people who already have heart
disease to take a daily aspirin to thin their blood. The researchers found this to be
beneficial in more than 60% of the studies’ participants.
Still, I continue to advise against daily aspirin. It irritates the stomach and often leads to bleeding. I can attest to this. When I was in a rehabilitation facility after breaking my leg, I noticed a burning pain in my stomach. It occurred after taking my prescribed painkillers. I asked a nurse what I had been taking and discovered that they had given me aspirin without my permission. I immediately refused the aspirin and my stomach pain disappeared.
Blood thinners like aspirin can be beneficial, but they’re not your only option. Reduloxin is an example of an herbal formula that thins the blood without irritating your stomach. It contains turmeric, green tea extract, holy basil, and other herbs that are effective blood thinners. You can find Reduloxin through Advanced Bionutritionals (800-791-3395). Whatever you choose to use, make sure it’s both effective and safe.
University of Alberta Faculty of Medicine & Dentis. “Who Is Taking Aspirin to Prevent Heart Attack or Stroke? First of Its Kind Study in Canada.” Medical News Today, 2013, March 21.
Q: I’m taking a few of your supplements because I really like their ingredients. But magnesium stearate is in almost all of them. I’ve heard this is potentially harmful and can hurt the intestines, immune system, cell function, and prevent the proper absorption of nutrients. Please explain why they still add this ingredient to supplements. — N.S., e-mail
A: I’m not sure where you heard this, but you need to check your source. All you have to do is take a closer look at just what magnesium stearate is and what it does to know this is false. Magnesium stearate is an anti-clumping filler that assures each tablet or capsule contains the same amount of each nutrient. Not only is it safe, it happens to be a desirable ingredient in supplements.
Magnesium stearate has just two ingredients: magnesium and stearic acid. You know that magnesium is safe. Stearic acid is, as well. It’s a fatty acid found in such foods as walnuts and chocolate. In fact, many foods contain much higher amounts of this fat than the amount found in supplements.
I’ve read the information on immunity and poor absorption. You can’t believe any of it. I’ve written an in-depth article on this ingredient that will appear in Women’s Health Letter in a few months. You won’t want to miss it. After much research, I found there are no studies that show magnesium stearate to be harmful — except to mice that lack a particular enzyme. For humans, it’s safe and beneficial.
Q: My daughter is having a molar removed and her mouth prepped for an implant. I know I saw mention of
a painkiller in one of your publications that she should ask her dentist for after the tooth removal. But I
can’t find it. Can you please help? — E.M., e-mail
A: First, I’d like to remind you that as a subscriber to this newsletter, you have access to past articles if there’s a subject you want to research or a past article you’ve lost and want to find. Just go to www.womenshealthletter.com and do a search for “dentist.” This can be faster than writing to me and hoping I’ll get back to you in a timely manner.
But in answer to your question, the painkiller I spoke of is actually two homeopathic supplements that you should be able to find in any health food store. They’re not painkillers from a dentist. But they may make taking painkillers unnecessary. They are Arnica Montana 30x and Hypericum 30x. I have used them personally and with numerous patients. These homeopathics work beautifully to reduce or eliminate pain.
Arnica is used for any physical pain, and Hypericum is indicated for nerve injury. Ideally, homeopathics should be taken 30-60 minutes away from food and beverages (except water). If time permits, have your daughter take them twice before surgery and three times after surgery – separated by 10 minutes or more.
The subject of homeopathics, or “energy medicine,” is a fascinating one. For more information that’s easy to understand, I suggest any book by Dana Ullman.