A Common Cancer Therapy to Avoid – And a New, Effective Solution

January 2013
Volume 19    |   Issue 1

One of the most difficult decisions any cancer patient has to make is which therapy to use. Will it be effective? Is it safe? What are the best options for any particular situation? There’s no clear or simple answer.

Take the most popular medical therapies: chemotherapy and radiation. We’ve known for a long time that both have undesirable side effects. No amount of radiation is safe, and chemotherapy drugs not only kill cancer cells, they’re toxic to healthy cells as well. Still, in some cases they have saved lives. The trick is to know when to use them and with which other therapies.

A new study can help doctors do just this. It found that one of the most often used cancer therapies can be harmful, especially for certain cancer patients. If your oncologist hasn’t read this study, please show him or her this article.

Researchers at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle found that chemotherapy can backfire in people with advanced cancers. Here’s why. While chemotherapy can be effective in killing tumors, the dose of these toxic chemicals is so high that it can be fatal to the patient.

In laboratories, adding a heavy dose of chemotherapy drugs in a Petri dish will often cure many cancers. But if you were to give this high of a dose to a human, you’d kill both the cancer cells and healthy cells surrounding the tumor. And possibly the patient.

And that’s not all.

In large amounts — and this amount varies from person to person — chemotherapy can trigger healthy cells near tumors to release a substance that actually stimulates the growth of cancer cells. This can cause tumors to grow. It also can lead to resistance to the chemotherapy agents.

One solution some doctors have tried is to give a cancer patient frequent treatments of smaller doses of chemotherapy drugs. This can give healthy cells time to recover from the toxicity. There is one problem with this approach, however. You risk not killing all the cancer cells and having a recurrence. And those malignant cells that survive often become resistant to the chemotherapy.

So what’s the solution for someone with advanced cancer if chemotherapy is indicated? Take frequent small amounts of chemotherapy drugs along with modified citrus pectin (MCP). Studies have shown that modified citrus pectin enhances the effect of chemotherapy, which means you need less toxic chemo. And this combination enhances their anti-cancer effects. All of the studies on modified citrus pectin have used PectaSol-C from EcoNugenics (800-308-5518), so this is the only product I recommend.

PectaSol-C also binds to heavy metals and environmental toxins, reducing the body’s toxic load. In addition, it boosts immune function and keeps cancer cells from clustering and forming tumors. In my opinion, and from all the benefits I’ve seen with patients taking PectaSol-C — EcoNugenics’ PectaSol-C product is designed specifically to fight cancer — I think it should be the first supplement to take whether your cancer is advanced or mild. It’s also appropriate for anyone at risk for cancer. And who isn’t, these days?

Curing an incurable cancer

In many cases, PectaSol with or without chemotherapy is enough. But I don’t think it is if you have a particularly aggressive disease, such as triple-negative breast cancer.

Triple-negative breast cancer is the most aggressive of all forms of breast cancer. It doesn’t respond to hormone therapies. And it tends to spread faster than other cancers. Triple-negative breast cancer has a poorer prognosis than other types of breast cancer. If you have to suffer through breast cancer, it is the last kind you want.

Some breast cancers are contained and slow growing. Not triple negative. It tends to recur and spread to other parts of the body. Until recently, there haven’t been many treatments for this form of cancer. Now there is one. Unlike chemotherapy and radiation treatments, this one is not only effective. It’s also non-toxic.

Recently, three groundbreaking studies published in peer-reviewed journals found that a unique plant-based formula was both safe and effective in stopping
this cancer.

In one study in the Oncology Reports journal (June 2012), researchers implanted one group of mice with triple-negative human cancer cells and then gave them this formula orally for four weeks. In another group, they implanted the cancer cells, but didn’t give them any treatment. The cancer metastasized to the lungs in 20% of the treated mice compared with 70% in the untreated group. What’s more, the treated mice had smaller and fewer tumors.

This is good news for all women with breast cancer, but it’s particularly valuable for those who carry the BRCA-1 gene, a gene that tells you whether or not you’re predisposed to getting this cancer.

Many women are reluctant to ask their doctor for this test. They believe that having this gene means getting cancer is inevitable. And if a family member has died of this cancer, this means they will, too. Nothing could be further from the truth. In this study, this botanical formula suppressed and reduced two genes implicated in cancer metastasis. The study showed that you can stop genetically based cancers with the right treatment.

This formula, called BreastDefend™, slows the growth of cancer, inhibits the spread of cancer, suppresses cancer genes, and is safe to use. It includes medicinal mushrooms enhanced with immune-supporting herbs. These mushrooms reduce cancer growth and invasiveness. It also contains proprietary botanical extracts, which reduce the spread of cancer and cause cancer cells to die, as well as DIM (di-indolylmethane), the ingredient in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cabbage that reduces cancer growth.

You may be familiar with some of these ingredients, but you’ve never seen any breast formula with this level of research in peer-reviewed journals. I’ve seen no other combination work as well as this one. As we’ve seen before with other formulas, the synergistic effect of these combined nutrients may be the secret to this formula’s success.

You can get BreastDefend from EcoNugenics (800-308-5518). For
more information, go to www.BreastHealthFormula.org.

The major problem I’ve seen with various cancer therapies is that they’re either allopathic (chemo and radiation) or alternative. The people I’ve seen who have had the best results and who remain cancer-free year after year use an integrative approach: a combination of east and west medicine. Both PectaSol-C and BreastDefend do just this. They work beautifully with mainstream medicine.

Jiang, J., A. Thyagarajan-Sahu, J. Loganathan, I. Eliaz, C. Terry, G.E. Sandusky, and D. Sliva. BreastDefend prevents breast-to-lung cancer metastases in an orthotopic animal model of triple-negative human breast cancer. Oncol Rep. 2012 July 26. doi: 10.3892/or.2012.1936.

Paddock, Catharine, PhD. “Chemotherapy Can Inadvertently Encourage Cancer Growth,” Medical News Today. MediLexicon, Intl., 7 August 2012. Web.

7 August 2012. <http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/248661.php>

The First Steps to Take to Stop and Reverse Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is the most popular subject with my readers by far. Every week, readers ask me how to reduce their risk for fractures as they age. Most of them are looking for solutions other than bisphosphonates like Fosamax, Actonel, and Boniva. You’ve probably heard about the horrible side effects from these drugs and you don’t want to take them. The side effects may include a disintegrating jawbone, pain in bones and joints, and even cancer.

The truth is that bisphosphonates just don’t work. A new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that the risk for breaking your leg more than doubles in women who take bisphosphonates for more than five years. One year or more may be safe, but longer could cause serious problems.

While doctors push pills, I’ve found that it takes lifestyle changes to reduce your risk for osteoporosis. The steps needed are simple. Not as simple as taking a pill, but simple and inexpensive enough. And there are no side effects.

I begin any osteoporosis prevention program with a healthful diet low in sugar and high in whole grains, protein, and vegetables. Next, I suggest a good supplement like Ultimate Bone Support (800-791-3395) containing strontium, along with equal amounts of calcium and magnesium (500 mg each) taken at a different time from the strontium. Then I look for other simple solutions. New research has found two of them to be effective, and they couldn’t be much easier to incorporate into your daily routine. Or less expensive.

We know that exercise helps build strong bones. But how? Bone loss is a natural consequence of aging. So is a loss of muscles. But is there a connection between the two? Researchers at the Mayo Clinic say there is. In a study published in the Journal of Bone & Mineral Research, muscle mass is directly connected with bone strength in particular sites in the body. And these sites are gender specific. For women, there is a connection between muscle mass and fractures in the hip, lumbar spine, forearm, and tibia (shin).

This study makes a good case for exercising — especially as you get older and lose muscle tone. But it doesn’t mean you need to go to a gym every day, or buy expensive and bulky exercise equipment. Walking can strengthen your hip, back, and shins. And using one- or two-pound weights will go a long way to help tone your arms.

Instead of using the weights that look like dumbbells, get a set of Velcro hand and ankle weights. Put them on your wrists and walk with them, swinging your arms gently. You’ll soon feel a little fatigue in your forearms. That’s good! You also can strap these weights around your ankles, which will tone your leg muscles.

Next, re-examine your intake of vitamin D3. Most multivitamins contain 400 IU/day, which is not enough for anyone. The current Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) is 600 IUs for adults 51 to 70 years old and 800 IUs for people over 70.
Bess Dawson-Hughes, MD, director of the Bone Metabolism Laboratory at Tufts University headed a study with 31,000 older adults. She divided the participants into four segments ranging from no vitamin D to 2,000 IU. Those in the top quartile had 30% fewer broken hips and 14% fewer fractures of any other bones than the control group.

Dawson-Hughes says, “We saw there was no benefit to taking vitamin D supplements in doses below 800 IUs per day for fracture prevention.” One problem with this study is that it only measures vitamin D intake up to 2,000 IU. This may not be ideal for many people — including me. That’s why I take an additional 5,000 IU/day of vitamin D3. There is no toxicity with this amount, and since studies are showing that the higher the intake, the fewer the fractures — why not take more?

Diet, exercise, and supplements should be the first steps in preventing, stopping, and reversing osteoporosis. Not ineffective drugs with side effects.

Bischoff-Ferrari, HA, et al. “A Pooled Analysis of Vitamin D Dose Requirements for Fracture Prevention.” N Engl J Med, 2012; 367:40-49. Tufts University, Health Sciences Campus

Mayo Clinic. “The Complex Relationship Between Muscle And Bone: Findings Could Identify People At Higher Risk For Falls And Fractures.” Medical News Today. MediLexicon, Intl., 24 June 2012. Web. 25 June 2012. <http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/releases/246897.php>

All Sugar Is Not the Same — This Kind Harms Your Brain

You’ve seen the ads. Calm, rational actors explain that they looked at studies on high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and found to their surprise that it was the same as cane sugar. They say it’s not more harmful, as many have claimed. “All sugar is sugar,” the ads say. The implication is that you don’t have to avoid this sweetener.

Well, they’re wrong! And if you choose to believe them, you could find that your brain isn’t working the way it should. You could have memory lapses and difficulty learning. You could even have a stroke.

All sugars are not alike, as you learned in last month’s article on honey’s beneficial effects on diabetes. High fructose corn syrup is different from the fructose in fruit. For one thing, fruit contains protective antioxidants. Many studies have shown that HFCS, also known as corn syrup, can cause diabetes, obesity, and a fatty liver. Now, a team of researchers at UCLA has found that eating a diet that regularly contains HFCS can interfere with your ability to learn and remember information.

That’s right. This “harmless” sweetener, six times sweeter than cane sugar and much cheaper as well, can actually make you stupid. It does this by damaging the chemical connections between brain cells, called synapses, that make remembering and learning possible.

It’s difficult to completely avoid high fructose corn syrup, especially if you don’t read labels. It’s even in “healthful” foods like Yoplait yogurt, many breakfast cereals, some whole grain breads, nutrition bars, and a number of salad dressings.

Fortunately, there’s a nutrient that can minimize its damage: one of the omega-3 fatty acids. DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) works by protecting against damage to the connections between brain cells that make memory and learning possible. This fat occurs naturally in salmon, tuna, walnuts, and to a lesser degree in flaxseeds. But while your body can make some DHA, it can’t make enough to help your brain. Especially if you’re also eating foods containing HFCS.

In the UCLA study, researchers gave DHA to some of the laboratory animals on a HFCS diet, but not all of them. The animals that did not take DHA developed insulin resistance. Insulin lost its ability to influence the activity of brain cells.
One of the researchers suspects that eating too much artificial fructose could interfere with the way cells use sugar to process thoughts. Whatever it is, the bottom line is that HFCS harms your brain.

It makes sense to get DHA both in your diet and supplements. You can find DHA in fish oil capsules like Daily Omega (800-791-3395), and from a diet containing walnuts, salmon, and tuna. Aim for a total of 1 gram/day.

Stop drinking sodas

I’ve talked before about the dangers of artificial sweeteners. Meanwhile, you should know that the largest source of added sugar in our diets is sodas. And the cheapest form of sugar is HFCS. That’s why all of the major brands use HFCS in their non-diet soft drinks.

The first study to ever examine soda’s effect on the brain recently found that a high sugar intake is not only linked to diabetes, weight gain, high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, and other health concerns. It can lead to you having a stroke, as well. This risk is higher in women than in men.

Researchers know that what happens when you drink sugar-sweetened sodas is that there’s a sudden increase in blood sugar and insulin. Over time, this could lead to glucose intolerance, insulin resistance, and inflammation — leading to
risk factors for stroke like atherosclerosis and thrombosis (blood clot).

Sales of sodas made with HFCS have increased dramatically over the past 30 years. So how much is too much? This study found that more than one serving of soda a day raises blood pressure and cholesterol. Diet drinks were no different in their ability to cause health problems. People who drank diet sodas had more chronic illnesses and weight gain.

So, what’s the solution? Water and flavored water. Pure fruit-juice sweetened beverages and green tea. And coffee. That’s right, coffee. It is high in protective antioxidants and magnesium, and studies showed that one cup of decaf a day can lower your risk for stroke by 10%.

Agrawal, R. and F. Gomez-Pinilla. “‘Metabolic syndrome’ in the brain: deficiency in omega-3 fatty acid exacerbates dysfunctions in insulin receptor signaling and cognition. The Journal of Physiology, 2012.

Bernstein, M., L. de Koning, A.J. Flint, K.M. Rexrode, and W.C. Willett. “Soda consumption and the risk of stroke in men and women.” American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2012.


The Link Between High Blood Pressure and Digestive Problems

I’ve written a lot about gluten sensitivity and celiac disease. These conditions often cause severe stomach cramps, gas, bloating, and chronic severe diarrhea. Most of the time, avoiding grains with this protein (wheat, barley, and rye) will solve the problem. If it doesn’t, it’s possible gluten isn’t causing your problems.

The Mayo Clinic recently found out that how you treat your high blood pressure might be causing your symptoms.

The doctors at the Mayo Clinic looked at 22 patients who had gluten sensitivity symptoms. But antibody blood tests did not support that diagnosis. And when they put them on a gluten-free diet, they didn’t improve at all. So the doctors began looking for other common factors in these 22 patients.

Over the next three years, the doctors found that all 22 had high blood pressure. And all 22 of them were taking the angiotensin receptor blocker olmesartan (Benicar). Olmesartan is a popular drug (with over $500 million in annual sales) doctors prescribe to lower blood pressure because it doesn’t carry as many side effects as other antihypertensives. However, it takes only one side effect to ruin your life.

These drugs consistently caused severe intestinal damage in the patients who experienced this side effect. Patients with celiac can experience mild to severe damage. It appears the patients had an allergy to this drug that was more severe than celiacs.

What’s scary about this side effect is that 12 of the patients experienced a bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine that antibiotics could not resolve. I’ve shown you how a bacterial overgrowth can lead to other health problems, including hypothyroidism and breast cancer. Are drugs causing the huge rise in occurrence with these conditions? It’s something we need to consider.
Doctors are quick to prescribe medications to lower high blood pressure, but we don’t know all the trouble they can cause. Instead of jumping on the medication bandwagon, treat your high blood pressure the natural way first. Look at your diet and make sure you’re eating plenty of fruits and veggies. Also make sure you’re getting plenty of exercise. Diet and exercise will fix most cases of mildly high blood pressure.

If these don’t do the trick, I’ve found a natural formula that is safe and effective. It normalizes blood pressure and supports good heart health. Circutol (800-791-3395) has nattokinase, which helps balance your blood pressure. You won’t experience low blood pressure (a common problem with the medications), as it keeps your blood pressure in a very healthy range. And it won’t cause any of these celiac-like symptoms.

Kaiser, Chris. “BP Drug Linked to ‘Gluten Sensitivity,’” MedPage Today, June 22, 2012.


Q: From what you say, Pectasol Detox Formula (formerly called PectaSol Chelation Complex) binds to heavy metals that are currently circulating in the body due to current ingestion. I’m gathering that it doesn’t bind to the metals stored in fat cells. Is this correct? Would it be appropriate for someone with lead and mercury poisoning that has probably existed since birth? — J.T., e-mail

A: Yes, you’re correct. Pectasol Detox Formula binds to heavy metals in the bloodstream. So it’s excellent for preventing the buildup of toxins from foods and the environment. But it doesn’t remove heavy metals and other contaminants that are stored in fat cells.

To remove them, you need to add a different formula.

To bind to trapped toxins, you should add Detox Complete after taking the Pectasol Detox Formula for two weeks. Continue taking both for at least one year – since you believe you may have been exposed to heavy metals all your life. It’s safe to take it even longer if you like.

Once you’ve removed the stored toxins, Pectasol Detox Formula should be all you need to continue taking.

It’s particularly difficult to remove stored toxins. A number of oral products claim to do this, but unfortunately, they’re not very effective.

Pectasol Detox Formula contains modified citrus pectin and sodium alginate – two substances found in sound scientific studies to bind to and remove heavy metals. Make sure that any company making claims on a chelating product backs their claims with good, solid research.

Q: I have been taking Circ02 for two months and can’t get the test strip out of the depleted range. My hands and feet are still cold, I have brain fog, and I need to take a half-hour nap most days. I am 74 and have a history of Lyme disease. Do you have any suggestions? — J.M., e-mail

A: Yes. There are several factors to consider. First, if you don’t have the correct bacteria in your mouth to metabolize and recirculate NO (nitric oxide), then the test strip will not show improvement, despite the acute delivery of NO by the lozenge.

Second, if you have insufficient stomach acid production — which is often the case as we get older — then it disrupts the NO pathway. You may want to take some hydrochloric acid (HCl) with your meals and see if this helps.

Next, if you’re taking a proton pump inhibitor, antiseptic mouthwash, or antibiotics, you need to understand that they disrupt the enterosalivary circulation and metabolism of NO. That means you’ll continue to be depleted even though you’re taking the supplement.

In addition to taking HCl, I suggest you add beet juice, high in NO, to your diet — and take two lozenges daily. In fact, I found I needed two lozenges for a while, most likely because I was low in HCl.

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