Repair Your Dull, Damaged, Sensitive Skin in Weeks

August 2012
Volume 18    |   Issue 8

It’s been over a year since “I told you so,” and the letters are still coming in. When I first began using and talking about the skin care products formulated by my friend and colleague Janet Zand, LAc, I knew they were good. My previously dull, dry face glowed like never before. But I didn’t realize that so many other women would find them to be as transforming as I did.

You may remember my telling you how horrified Janet was to find out I used nothing on my face. No makeup, no cleanser, no creams. She immediately sent me some products she had developed for some of her celebrity patients. Within a week I noticed a difference. A big difference.

That’s when I asked Janet if she would create a skin care line for my newsletter subscribers. She welcomed the opportunity because as good as her products were, she was interested in formulating even better products.

And Système 41 was born.

I never liked the way soap and water felt on my face, or how my skin felt afterward. That’s why I rarely used soap. Decades later I understood why. My skin had always been dry, and soap made it even drier. What it needed was more moisture.

Our skin begins aging from the inside out when we’re young: around the age of 25. That’s when our bodies produce less collagen and begin to lose elasticity. But aging from the outside begins even earlier with our exposure to environmental pollutants like air pollution, the sun, and second-hand smoke. The key is to moisturize effectively.

Today, my skin needs even more moisturizing than ever. So does yours. As we get older, our skin isn’t able to retain moisture as well as it did when we were younger. But, as I told you in June, not all moisturizers are safe. Some contain chemical preservatives including parabens that can cause painful blisters and even contribute to breast cancer in some women. And others just don’t work.
Some moisturizers clog your pores and can lead to infections. Or they contain large molecules of proteins, which bring water to the surface of your skin that isn’t able to penetrate. It’s like soaking your face in water.

I don’t have the space to explain about each ingredient in Système 41 and tell you why they are so effective. You can get this information from the website ( But I’d like to share with you some of the letters I received from women who found this total skin care package to be as transforming and truly moisturizing as I. All have given me permission to share their stories.

Janice found that the Système 41 formulas improved her skin within weeks — faster and more effectively than she could imagine.

“I have noticed less redness and greater hydration of my skin. Two friends have also asked me what I am doing differently and an esthetician commented on the dryness of my skin the first time I saw her before using the products. The next time I saw her, perhaps three weeks after using them, she commented on how hydrated my skin was.”

Kristina is a nurse I know personally who has delicate skin. She knew she needed more hydration, but had difficulty finding a satisfactory solution. I wanted her input, so I gave her a kit. Here’s what she said:

“The first time I used the Nourishing Day Crème, it felt like it hydrated my skin better than any product I have ever used ... even my old, much more costly favorite. My skin actually continued to feel fresh and hydrated all day! I have never experienced that with a moisturizing cream before.”

Not everyone can afford the products Jane used to use, but her skin was so dry and sensitive that she was afraid to use anything new for fear of a major reaction. So she used some excellent products at a cost of over $500 a month! Then she decided to give Système 41 a try and said:

“The first time I used the cleanser I loved the way it smelled (smell is important) and how wonderful the product made my face feel. No bad or harsh reaction either. Then I tried the moisturizer and loved how hydrating it was. I decided to try the Revitalizing Eye Treatment on the zillion of fine lines above my lip. What a huge difference. The appearance of those fine lines seemed to almost disappear and several of my co-workers thought I had done some type of laser treatment. All the products in the program have been amazing and now Système 41 has taken over as my daily skin care regimen. Not only does my skin look healthier and younger but I am also saving almost $400 a month!”

No one knows the skin like an aesthetician. And Louise was in that field for years. Here’s what she found.

“I ordered two essential kits with high hopes that the treatment would improve the appearance of my wrinkles. I followed the directions daily. There was an increase in moisture and skin smoothness. Since the Système 41 formula helps the skin retain moisture and protects its delicate balance, I plan on ordering the nourishing day crème and Restorative Night Treatment. In my career, for 15 years I was licensed to give facials and sold cosmetics. I receive compliments on my face even with the pesky wrinkles of later years. Keep the Système successes going.”

Burning skin

UV radiation from the sun, and radiation therapy both burn the skin and can lead to inflammation and dermatitis. They also contribute to scars and wrinkles. Many dermatologists suggest topical application of Retin-A, a form of vitamin A, to get rid of fine lines and wrinkles. But Retin-A, also known as tretinoin or retinoic acid, causes other problems like photosensitivity, dryness, and itching.

Dr. Hans Harbst, a surgeon and radiotherapist in Chile, uses Rose Hip oil instead of Retin-A to treat dermatitis caused by radiation treatments, as well as to get rid of scars. This is because the oil naturally contains trans-retinoic acid, a by-product of Retinol, which has none of Retinol’s side effects.

Rose Hip oil and Sunflower Seed oil are just two of dozens of the natural nutrients included in Système 41’s skin care products. I could tell you stories and show you letters that explain why each of them is included in these products and why Système 41 is not just another skin care line. But see for yourself. With a no-hassle money back guarantee you have nothing to lose but dry skin and all that goes along with it.

That’s what Karma did. She said, “Though I was a sun worshipper in my younger days, I have for the past few years tried to reverse the sun damage that was done. I recently re-ordered Système 41. My skin is much softer, the appearance of fine lines seem to have diminished and specifically a reduction of wrinkles in the neck area. So I do see definite overall improvement in my skin. My friends say I look 10 years younger.”

My friends say the same thing. What’s even more important is that I notice a huge difference and feel better about my appearance. Yes, my face (and other parts) is aging, but it’s aging slowly and gracefully. I have fewer wrinkles than most people 10 years younger than me. And there’s a permanent glow to my skin that I never thought possible.

Try a really good moisturizer like the creams in Système 41 (you can order by calling 800-791-3446, make sure you mention special offer code WH8212) along with good quality supportive nutrients and see what results you get. Then write me and tell me what your friends notice (see page 8 for contact information).

Medical Care Doesn’t Have to Be Unaffordable If You Know Where to Get It

Julie was on the trip of her lifetime to a remote area of Africa when she suddenly became violently sick. Her husband chartered a plane to take her to Nairobi where she was hospitalized in a state-of-the-art hospital. Four months later, after spending a week in intensive care and being given a host of diagnostic tests and treatments, she was well enough to fly home. Her costs for everything were a little more than $7,000.

Julie was fortunate to get sick when she was abroad and had access to a first-class hospital. She could have become ill in this country at a staggering cost of tens of thousands of dollars. This is why many Americans are making the decision to travel to other countries for medical treatments that they can’t afford here. It may be for cosmetic or elective surgeries, heart bypass or hip replacement. Or it might be for extensive dental work, or for treatments not offered in this country like stem cell therapy.

Whatever the reason, there are numerous facilities around the world where you can get excellent care for 50-80% less than the cost in the U.S. And unlike American hospitals, there’s usually little waiting.

While it’s true that thousands of people come to the U.S. for medical care, it’s projected that between 1.6 and 2.5 million Americans will opt for treatments abroad in 2012.

With rising health care costs in the U.S. climbing every year, international medical care has become a $100 billion industry. In 2007 alone, 750,000 Americans chose to travel to other countries seeking affordable medical treatments. As healthcare costs continue to rise, millions of people will seek medical care at state-of-the-art facilities around the world.

Julie discovered that these are not fly-by-night facilities in the slums of Third World countries. They are modern hospitals with the latest technology and highly trained medical teams in Asia, South America, Mexico, India, Europe, and the Middle East.

Compare the costs

Just how much do the fees vary from hospitals in the U.S. to those in other countries? The Medical Tourism Association compared several procedures, and this is some of what they found:

A heart bypass in a U.S. hospital costs around $144,802. In Costa Rica, this same procedure is $25,000. While in India, which is becoming a popular destination for medical treatments, it’s just $5,200.

A hip replacement done in this country runs around $50,000. In Costa Rica, it’s $12,500, while hospitals in India charge around $7,000.

Plastic surgery costs are at least 50% cheaper. A tummy tuck will set you back close to $10,000 here, but only $3,000 to $4,000 in Costa Rica and India.
These fees are approximate and are for surgery costs only. They don’t include transportation or time in a facility for recuperating. Even so, when you factor in the traveling and hotel costs for you and a friend, you’re still way ahead financially.

Our insurance companies know this

This is no secret. Medical treatment abroad has become so cost-effective that many American insurance companies are now sending some of their members to foreign hospitals for medical procedures. For example, Blue Cross/Blue Shield of South Carolina is now promoting medical treatment in Thailand for their members.

When I visited Bangkok some years ago, I stayed in a hotel around the corner from one of their modern hospitals. One of the travelers in our group had a medical emergency. We were worried that she might not be able to continue with the rest of us. But she was seen immediately, given expert attention, charged very little, and rejoined our group within hours.

Previously, I had heard about this same Bangkok hospital from a retired doctor friend of mine who visits Thailand regularly. He spoke enthusiastically about the high quality of the medical treatments he saw there after he had visited this hospital. It’s no wonder that in 2006 this facility alone took care of 64,000 U.S. patients.

Finding good medical care

If you’re interested in exploring out-of-the-country medical care, you may want to begin by contacting the Medical Tourism Association (MTA). They are a non-profit organization and can lead you to the most appropriate facilities for your particular medical needs. MTA is a trade group of some of the finest international hospitals, medical travel facilitators, and other associated companies and individuals.

Part of what they do is to make sure that the quality of medical services that are available to Americans meets their strict accreditation standards. You can reach MTA at [email protected] or through their website, Their services include helping you to find the
best facility for your needs and coordinating your travel overseas.

The Unexpected Foods That Have More Antioxidants Than Fruits or Veggies

ou probably already know the importance of antioxidants in your diet. They gobble up free radicals, which damage our body’s cells, and contribute to aging, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and various cancers. One way to slow down the aging process and stay healthy is to get plenty of antioxidants in our diets.

This information has led to a surge in antioxidant supplements and “superfoods” that are particularly high in these beneficial plant-based chemicals. Fruits and vegetables high in antioxidants have been added to expensive beverages and snacks. And while ads on TV and in magazines argue that various berries are highest, they’re not. One of the foods with the most antioxidants is a bean!
Small red beans are higher than any fruit, even wild blueberries. In fact, according to a study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (June 9, 2004), it turns out that three of the top five antioxidant-rich foods are beans, with berries close behind.

Are you surprised? Then prepare to be surprised again. It turns out that popcorn is even higher in antioxidants than any fruits or vegetables. This is because the polyphenols in popcorn are more concentrated. They are only 4% water compared with the 90% water in fruits and vegetables. The more water a food contains, the more diluted their polyphenols.

Popcorn is actually a whole grain — the only one that’s completely unprocessed. If you find it difficult to get enough whole grains in your diet, you can always snack on popcorn. One serving will give you more than 70% of your daily antioxidant requirements. A recent study found that popcorn contained around 300 mg of polyphenols per serving compared with 255 mg for fruits and 218 mg for vegetables.

Of course, some of the benefits of popcorn are cancelled out if you drizzle butter over it or douse it with salt. So limit your popcorn snacks to air-popped, or dust it with a little brewer’s yeast or garlic powder.

Perhaps the most important information on antioxidants is that many of the foods we eat on a healthful diet contain these beneficial nutrients. You don’t need to spend a lot of money on expensive foods and supplements when you can find these ingredients in whole grains, beans, fruits, and vegetables. If you think you need to boost your intake, as I do, simply take a tablet or two of Green Tea Extract or Reduloxin (an antioxidant formula high in turmeric). You can order both by calling 800-791-3395. A little goes a long way for most people on a good diet.

American Chemical Society. “A Snack With Even Higher Antioxidant Levels Than Fruits And Vegetables.” Medical News Today. MediLexicon, Intl., 26 March 2012.

WebMD Health News Reviewed by Brunilda Nazario, MD, June 17, 2004.

Panel of “Experts” Says Vitamin D Doesn’t Work

You may have heard the news about vitamin D recently. On Tuesday, June 12, National Public Radio (NPR) released the results of a high-level panel conclusion from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. This panel said that 400 IU of vitamin D and 1,000 mg of calcium daily doesn’t reduce the risk for bone fractures in postmenopausal women.

Usually, NPR does its research and releases good information on health-related issues. But not this time.

NPR said researchers are not convinced that vitamin D and calcium prevent fractures in postmenopausal women. There aren’t enough good studies, they say. There ARE studies! But not as many as these researchers would like to see. And they insist their quality leaves something to be desired.

Here’s the problem. They looked at studies focused on low-dose vitamin D supplementation. They didn’t consider studies that used more than 400 IU of vitamin D.

So they obviously didn’t look at all the studies. Vitamin D may be the singular most important nutrient in our bodies. If you aren’t aware of its many uses — and the consequences of having insufficient amounts — just go to Vitamin D Council's website ( You'll find good studies on this nutrient and cancer, autoimmune conditions, and many more health conditions.

However, most of these good studies use far more than 400 IU of vitamin D. You see, the reason 400 IU of vitamin D doesn’t work for most women is that it’s just not enough to do any good. Most postmenopausal women are so deficient in vitamin D, they need at least 2,000 IU. In fact, most need 5,000 IU or more every day.

What’s more, if you’re taking this much vitamin D, you don’t need to take 1,000 mg of calcium. In fact, for years I’ve recommended women not take more than 500 mg daily. The panel said that taking the vitamin D could increase your risk of kidney stones. Truth is, taking 1,000 mg of calcium does that all by itself. So this is misleading.

One doctor, Bruce Hollis, MD of the University of South Carolina, said the panel should be ashamed of reporting this misinformation. Hollis says, “The amounts of vitamin D they're recommending are extraordinarily low. They're basically the level an infant should get. To me it's appalling. I think the report is a sham.”
I agree. Don’t let this attempt to discredit vitamin D derail your health goals. Vitamin D is crucial for a healthy body and mind. Make sure you’re taking a lot more than 400 IU daily. You can order 5,000 IU tablets, the amount most people need to take daily, by calling 800-791-3395.


Are Your Medications Making You Tired?

One of the first things a doctor does to check your risk for heart disease is to measure your cholesterol levels. Then, if your cholesterol is even slightly elevated, the next step is usually to prescribe a statin. But cholesterol is only one small risk factor for heart disease. Family history and C-reactive protein are more predictive. And statins, which are most often unnecessary, come with their own set of problems. These include muscle pain, headaches, nausea, digestive problems, and even liver failure.

Now, researchers at the University of California, San Diego, have discovered another side effect of statins: fatigue – especially after exercising. And exercise is part of all cholesterol-lowering programs.

For this study, researchers followed more than 1,000 adults who did not have heart disease. They gave these participants low doses of Pravachol (40 mg), Zocor (20 mg), or a placebo. They chose these drugs and doses for their ability to reduce LDL (“bad”) cholesterol. Then they asked the study participants to rate their energy and fatigue from “much worse” to “much better.” Those on statins reported “much worse” more often than the placebo. Zocor zapped their energy the most.

In April 2010, I told you about a study out of Michigan Medical School that concluded that relying on a statin to prevent heart attacks even if you have high LDL doesn’t make sense. You need a more complete evaluation. This would include your age, family history of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking, C-reactive protein levels, fibrinogen, hormonal deficiencies — and your exercise (or lack thereof) level. You may want to read this article, which is on my website.

Statins are not the “magic bullet” many doctors believe they are. In fact, when it comes to heart disease, you need a comprehensive approach that includes diet, exercise, and the right supplements for your particular needs.

The bottom line is that there are more reasons to avoid statins than to take them. Especially with natural supplements available that don’t have side effects. My personal favorite is a supplement that keeps my blood pressure low and eliminated my irregular heartbeats, (which I had for more than a year): Circutol. It is a heart tonic rather than a single use supplement. You can get more information on it from Advanced Bionutritionals (800-791-3395). If you decide to try it, give it at least three months to see its benefits.

Grace Rattue. (2012, June 14). “Statins Cause Fatigue.” Medical News Today. Retrieved from


Q: I was told I had Sprue years ago. Is gluten intolerance associated with seizures? Is it a good idea for me to take Integrative Digestive Formula? — F.H., e-mail

A: If you have Sprue, also known as Celiac disease, I’m not surprised that you’ve had digestive problems since you were a baby. Sprue/CD is a genetic autoimmune disease. You were born with it and you should never ever eat even a speck of gluten. It can be extremely harmful for you and damage your intestines.

There are severe consequences if you ignore this. This can include malabsorption of essential minerals such as calcium, which can lead to osteoporosis, and, yes, even seizures. I’ve written extensively on this subject, and I suggest you read these past articles, available on my website.

Even eating a small amount of gluten occasionally can damage the small intestines in celiacs. And it can contribute to numerous health problems. For this reason, Integrative Digestive Formula could be helpful in repairing any damage.
Other formulas, like GastroThera from ProThera (888-488-2488), contain l-glutamine, an amino acid that can heal the intestines. Take it as directed for six months or more.

The most important and effective thing you can do is to totally avoid all traces of gluten. If you were just sensitive to gluten, you might get away with small amounts in something like commercial soy sauce, for example. But not if you’re a celiac. Complete avoidance is a life-long necessity.

Q: I would like to know the cause and cure for my leg cramps. I am 84 years old and in excellent health. Last year, my doctor told me to take more calcium and vitamin D. A bone scan showed improvements in my bone density, but is the increase in calcium causing my leg cramps? Would more magnesium help? — C.D., e-mail

A: Too much calcium and not enough magnesium could certainly be causing your leg cramps. Fortunately, increasing magnesium is not just safe, it’s protective against heart disease and other age-related health problems.

My own preference is to take 500 mg of supplemental calcium and magnesium in a multivitamin/mineral formula like Healthy Resolve. To this, I would add magnesium to bowel tolerance up to a total of 1,000 mg.

Then I would make sure you’re getting additional calcium and magnesium in your diet. A healthful diet with whole grains, beans, dark green vegetables, and a little dairy should provide you with plenty of these nutrients.

You can also get a blood test to check your vitamin D levels. I find that most people, including myself, need 5,000 IU of this “master nutrient” to get the 50-70 ng/ml that most experts say is the most protective.

Another cause of your problem may be low potassium. Instead of taking more pills, make sure you’ve got a good multivitamin with 99 mg of potassium and equal amounts of calcium and magnesium, like Healthy Resolve (800-791-3395).
You can also find topical magnesium gels and lotions in most health food stores. They allow you to increase your magnesium without getting loose stools.

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