Can you tell which one of these "healthy" meals is loaded with one of the deadliest poisons in history?
The answer below may shock you…
By: Dr. Janet Zand
These meals all look extremely healthy, don't they?
You'd never guess that one of them contains dangerously high levels of one of the most deadly poisons known to man. A poison so lethal that it only takes an amount the size of a pea to kill you. And only micrograms to throw a monkey wrench into virtually every bodily function.
This deadly toxin is astonishingly versatile -- able to cause damage even at low doses. It's easily absorbed in the stomach and intestines and from there it can spread out and damage your skin, lungs, liver, kidneys and more.
Because this deadly poison has no color or odor, it's almost impossible to detect. Worse, it harms you slowly and insidiously. You get sicker and sicker without raising the typical doctor's suspicions. By the time you or your doctor realizes you've been poisoned it's too late!
This poison is so hard to detect, it was used throughout history to kill off unsuspecting spouses and wealthy relatives. It has been implicated in the death of kings and queens. And best-selling novelist, Agatha Christie, calls it her murder weapon of choice.
In case you haven't guessed by now, I'm talking about arsenic. That's right, one of the most deadly poisons in history is now showing up in so-called "healthy" foods.
See that healthy looking plate of veggies and rice? I hate to break it to you, but the rice is likely loaded with dangerously high levels of arsenic according to an undercover investigation by scientists at the prestigious Consumer Reports organization.
Consumer Reports tested 223 samples of rice products and found significant levels of arsenic in almost all of them.1 Researchers found arsenic contamination in every kind of rice tested including white, brown, parboiled, jasmine, basmati and more. Expensive or cheap, fancy or plain, it didn't matter - all of them were contaminated.
And even if you never eat rice, please don't think you're safe. Rice flour, bran and rice-based sweeteners are in virtually everything you eat, including crackers, pasta, energy bars,2 and granola bars. It's even used to brew beer.
How did this toxic poison end up in our food?
Environmental levels have increased, thanks to heavy use of pesticides and poultry fertilizers that contain arsenic. In fact, the U.S. is the world's leading user of arsenic, accumulating an unbelievable 1.5 million tons of the poison according to Consumer Reports. All that stuff just goes right into the soil.
Do Environmental Toxins Cause Blood Sugar Problems?
There's an epidemic of blood sugar problems in America and scientists now believe they have found out the reason why.
Scientists tested 2,016 Americans for the presence of six toxins known as POPs (persistent organic pollutants). The scientists then compared the levels of these 6 toxins in the participants' bodies to their history of blood sugar problems.22
And here's what they discovered. The people with the highest levels of these 6 toxins were 38 times more likely to have blood sugar problems compared to the people with the lowest levels!
That's because these toxins can destroy the beta cells in your pancreas that produce insulin, the hormone that regulates your blood sugar levels. These toxins can also interfere with the cell receptors that carry glucose (sugar) to your muscle and fat cells. And they can limit your cell receptors' ability to use insulin. When your cells have a hard time accepting and using insulin, then your blood sugar rises.
Unfortunately, rice plants soak up arsenic like a sponge. In fact, while all plants absorb some arsenic from the soil, rice plants absorb 20 TIMES more arsenic than other grains.3 And because organic rice soaks up arsenic from the soil just as greedily as conventional rice, heading to Whole Foods isn't going to save you!
Not only that, but "healthier" brown rice actually contains higher levels of arsenic. In fact, tests show brown rice can contain up to 80% MORE arsenic on average than white because arsenic builds up in the bran.4 And brown rice is all about the bran.
The sad fact is that eating rice and rice-based products can create a slow buildup of arsenic in your body. And according to shocking new research from Dartmouth, women who eat as little as half a cup of rice a day have 53% more arsenic in their bodies than women who don't eat rice.5
Repeated exposure to even very low doses of arsenic in your food and water can cause breathing problems, increase your risk for heart and blood sugar problems, and interfere with the function of your immune cells. It also damages lung cells and causes inflammation in heart cells.
And at high levels it can be deadly.
So what are you supposed to do? Well, you can try rinsing rice before you cook it. Or you cook it like pasta in a big pot of water. But these precautions only eliminate around 40% of the arsenic.
You could try not to eat rice. But as I said, it's in virtually everything. And do you really want to spend the rest of your life running from rice, never eating in a Chinese restaurant, and refusing any dish you're served that contains rice?
The good news is there's a simple solution that can safely and gently remove arsenic from your body. Not only that, but this same solution enables you to flush out additional heavy metals and dangerous toxins that new studies show are contaminating in your body. I'll tell you all about this simple solution in just a moment.
Why Even "Health Nuts" Are Contaminated With Toxins
For 20 years, Charlotte Brody ate organic produce, used non-toxic household cleaning detergents, and avoided pesticides in her home and garden. "I'm the one hand-picking individual weeds from my garden rather than using chemical sprays, and going that extra mile to get my organic milk in a glass bottle," she said.
So when Charlotte volunteered to have her blood tested for the presence of 210 different toxic chemicals as part of a recent scientific study, she thought her blood would be relatively clean…
But Charlotte was shocked when scientists at Mount Sinai Medical Center discovered 85 different chemicals in her blood including more than two dozen types of PCBs, seven dioxins, and a banned household insecticide. "I'm proof that a healthy lifestyle doesn't shield you," she said after seeing the results.
Unfortunately, Charlotte's story isn't unique. Every person tested by Mount Sinai Medical Center in the same study was contaminated with an average of 91 chemicals each.24
The evidence is clear: Everyone, regardless of their lifestyle, needs to detox their body.
But first, let me show you why arsenic isn't the only dangerous toxin that's ending up in your food. Additional studies have found DDT, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), mercury, and dioxins in many popular foods. And every day more and more of these chemicals slowly seep into our bodies.
Now, you may already know about the dangers of toxins. And you may already do everything you can to avoid them — like eating organic food, drinking filtered water, or using natural products in your home. But, as I just mentioned, your body may still be contaminated even if you take all these precautions.
In another recent study, scientists tested a group of families for 107 different man-made toxins.6 They tested blood and urine samples from each family member. Every family member was tested including grandparents, parents and children.
Here's what they found… Every single person from the youngest to the oldest was contaminated with toxins. And the family members with the most toxins in their bodies were between the ages of 58 and 92.
In fact, scientists discovered over 63 different chemicals in the bodies of the oldest generation! They found PCBs, organochlorine pesticides, brominated flame retardants, perfluorinated chemicals, and more.7
And these aren't the only toxins that may be lurking in your body…
A comprehensive survey by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control found 148 different chemicals in the blood and urine samples of 2,400 Americans.8 More than a quarter of all the samples contained benzo(a)pryene, a toxin found in automobile exhaust fumes. And nine out of ten samples contained a mixture of toxic pesticides.
National Geographic Magazine paid nearly $15,000 to test one of their reporters for the presence of 320 different chemicals as part of an undercover investigation into environmental toxins. They discovered that the reporter's level of one flame retardant chemical was so high it would have been considered alarming, even if the reporter had worked in a plant that manufactured the chemical!9
A Mount Sinai School of Medicine study found a total of 167 different chemicals in the blood and urine samples of volunteers. That's an average of 91 toxins each.10 They found lead, dioxins, PCBs, phthalate DEHP, as well as compounds that have been banned for more than a quarter century.11 Bottom line: every single person in every study was contaminated.
So, if you're tired all the time, this could be the reason why…
3 Surprising Sources of Toxins
Surprising Source #1:
Canned Food
85% of all food cans sold in the U.S. — even those containing organic food — are lined with a plastic coating containing the chemical bisphenol A (BPA). BPA leaches out of the lining of the can and into your food. In fact, scientists analyzed 20 different brands of canned food and found BPA contamination in half of all the cans they examined!
According to researchers at the Yale School of Medicine, even low doses of BPA can lead to memory problems and brain aging.
Surprising Source #2:
Prescription and Over-the-Counter Drugs
Over 55 commonly used medications — including antibiotics and antihistamines — can cause disorientation and weaken memory and impair brain function in older Americans. Not only that, but if you take 3 or more medications, you have an increased likelihood of suffering an overdose from these drugs. That's because the "cocktail effect" makes these drugs more potent when used in combination and because your liver function declines with age, making it harder for your body to process this toxic combination.
Surprising Source #3:
Personal-Care Products
The FDA estimates that over 65% of cosmetics contain toxic ingredients.28,29 But that's not all. Shampoos, aftershaves, deodorants, and antibacterial soaps contain over two hundred different synthetic chemicals. These chemicals include endocrine disrupters that can affect hormone levels. The good news is you can safely and easily eliminate these dangerous toxins from your body before they can destroy your health. Keep reading to find out how...
If you suffer from joint pain and inflammation, this could be the reason why…
And if you're plagued by "senior moments" and brain fog, this could be the reason why…
The Hidden Cause of Your Chronic Health Problems
You see, your body was NEVER designed to eliminate these chemicals and heavy metals. Your liver and kidneys cannot easily or rapidly break them down.
And when your body is unable to break down and eliminate these toxins, it stores them away in the far reaches of your liver or in your fat cells.
Eventually these toxins are released from your fat cells, allowing them to travel through your bloodstream and invade your brain, lungs, heart, eyes, stomach, liver and sexual organs.
These toxins and heavy metals can build up in your joints and tissues triggering pain and inflammation. They can travel to your brain, where they can cause memory loss, migraines, and premature brain aging. They can invade your heart, where they can cause blood pressure problems.
They can imitate your body's natural hormones and invade your endocrine system where they can cause estrogen dominance, reduced libido and sexual dysfunction. They can invade your pancreas where they can cause blood sugar problems. They can invade your eyes causing vision problems.
They can invade your stomach where they can cause indigestion, nausea, or vomiting. Not only do low levels of chemicals build up in your body over time, but these chemicals can also react with each other in dangerous ways…
Why You Are The Guinea Pig In This Toxic Experiment…
Low levels of different chemicals interact with each other. The result is that the combination of two chemicals together can have a much more toxic effect than either one alone.
For example, when you mix dioxin with PCBs, the combined toxicity is eight hundred times greater than with either chemical alone according to a study published in Environmental Health Perspectives.12
When you mix 4 popular food additives, the resulting mixture is 700% more toxic than any individual ingredient alone. According to a recent study in the journal of Toxicological Sciences, the combination of aspartame, monosodium glutamate (MSG), and the artificial colorings quinoline yellow and brilliant blue causes nerve cell damage.13 This combination of food additives is what is typically found in your blood after a snack and a drink!
And when you combine 6 common pollutants you end up with blood sugar problems. According to a new report published in Diabetes Care, the greater your exposure to DDE plus 5 other common pollutants, the greater the chance that you will have blood sugar problems.14 In fact, compared to the people with the lowest levels of these toxins, the people with the highest levels in their blood were 38 times more likely to have severe blood sugar problems.
But this doesn't have to happen to you…
That's because there's now a new easy way to detox your body. And it doesn't involve IV treatments, juice fasts, colonics, or any other extreme measures. All you need is this natural remedy that sucks up toxins like a sponge.
The Only Oral Detox Solution Proven to Work in Human Clinical Studies
It's called modified citrus pectin, and it's made from the inner peel of citrus fruits. Modified citrus pectin is one of the most powerful detoxing substances I've found in the world, and it's been proven to work in human clinical studies.
In one recent study,15 USDA scientists gave people modified citrus pectin for six days. The scientists measured the amount of toxins excreted in the participants' urine before taking the modified citrus pectin and 24 hours after taking the citrus pectin.
The results?
The amount of deadly arsenic excreted in participants' urine increased by 130%...
The amount of toxic mercury excreted increased by 150%...
The amount of cadmium excreted increased by an amazing 230%...
And the amount of toxic lead excreted in participants' urine increased by an amazing 560%!
Dramatic results like these in only 24 hours are simply unheard of!
And here's something else amazing: Even though modified citrus pectin is strong enough to soak up toxins and heavy metals like a sponge, it's also so gentle on your system that not a single person in these human trials reported any side effects.
In fact, modified citrus pectin is so safe it has been tested on children as young as 5 years old who suffer from lead poisoning. Every child tested had a dramatic increase in the excretion of lead in their urine — over 130% on average.16
Click image to enlarge
PectaSol® Detox Formula
Supplement Facts
Serving Size 2 Capsules
Servings Per Container 30
Amount Per Serving
% Daily Value
Total Carbohydrates
Dietary Fiber |
1 g <1%
less than 1 g 2%
80 mg 2%
85 mg 2%
Modified Alginate Complex
500 mg † |
Modified Citrus Pectin
1 g †
*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
†Daily Value not established
Other ingredients: Vegetable capsule (vegetable cellulose,
water), magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, silicon dixoide. |
The reason modified citrus pectin is safer than many forms of detox therapy is because it does NOT deplete the essential minerals your body needs. So while it eliminates toxic metals and pesticides like lead, cadmium and mercury, it doesn't deplete your body of zinc, calcium or magnesium. In fact, there was no change in the level of these vital minerals in patients during the study.
Now before you run out and buy citrus pectin, you have to make sure you're getting the right kind. There are a lot of people out there selling citrus pectin, but it's not the same kind that was used in the clinical studies.
You see, most citrus pectin is composed of large long-chain carbohydrate molecules that are too big for your body to digest. So the pectin simply passes through your body without binding to toxins.
The good news is, my friend and colleague Dr. Isaac Eliaz has found a way to modify citrus pectin that makes it very easy for your body to digest. First he broke down large citrus pectin molecules into smaller easily absorbable pieces. Then he changed the pH of the pectin molecule to make it easier for the molecule to bind to heavy metals, especially in the lowpH environment of your stomach.
The result is a patented form of modified citrus pectin called PectaSol® . It easily binds to toxins so they can be eliminated by your body's digestive system. In fact PectaSol® is so powerful, it can trap and remove significant amounts of toxins in as little as 24 hours!
And now you can get all the benefits of PectaSol® . That's because Dr. Eliaz has created a powerful detox formula called PectaSol® Detox Formula.
Clinical and Scientific Studies Show PectaSol® Detox Formula Gets Rid of 74% of Dangerous Heavy Metals
In addition to Dr. Eliaz' patented citrus pectin, PectaSol® Detox Formula also contains a second, all-natural detoxing substance called alginate that's made from seaweed. Why is this important? Because extensive studies at McGill University show that alginates help prevent your body from absorbing lead, cadmium and other toxic metals.17 The alginates inPectaSol® Detox Formula bind to the toxins in your food right in the digestive tract. As a result, the toxins are eliminated before they even enter your bloodstream or your tissues.
Worried about mercury in fish? Arsenic in rice? Pesticides on strawberries? PectaSol® Detox Formula helps to neutralize all these toxins and more.

By combining alginates with PectaSol® citrus pectin, you get a more powerful deep-cleaning effect than with either alone. That's because both alginate and PectaSol® are made of soluble fibers that trap toxins. These fibers stack on top of each other to form rows of pockets similar to an egg carton. Heavy metals and toxins get trapped in this "egg carton" and then are eliminated through your body's digestive system.
Best of all, these toxin-trapping "egg cartons" don't just work in your stomach … they also circulate through your bloodstream. And as they do so, they trap toxic metal ions like lead, mercury, and cadmium and eliminate them.
Symptoms Can Disappear Fast
Together PectaSol® and alginates deep clean your body like nothing else. In fact, a recent published case study showed that patients taking PectaSol® Detox Formula dropped their body levels of toxic metals by a whopping 74% on average.18 Once the toxins were removed, patients reported amazing health breakthroughs.
One patient, Alaina, had been sad and anxious for more than 10 years. She lived in an old house where she had been exposed to fumes from paint, plumbing, and other potential toxins. She tried having her mercury amalgams removed by her dentist, but nothing helped. Then she decided to tryPectaSol® Detox Formula. After just two months onPectaSol® Detox Formula, her mercury level dropped by 83%, her lead level went down by 100%, and her symptoms completely disappeared!19
But that's not all… other patients taking PectaSol® Detox Formula reported improvements in memory, joint pain, insomnia and more.
Nancy Williams suffered from insomnia, but after takingPectaSol® Detox Formula she is sleeping like a baby again. "Sometimes I would get only two or three hours of sleep. Now I get six, even seven hours of sleep."
Barbara Burkhard struggled with memory problems, but after taking PectaSol® Detox Formula she is feeling sharp as a tack. "The most significant change I've noticed is improved memory. Sometimes words would not come to me, but now they do. That is a miracle!"
Erma Black suffered from morning stiffness and knee pain, but after taking PectaSol® Detox Formulashe's doing yoga again! "Other people — younger than me — are telling me I am their inspiration. I am 80-plus years young… and I have endless energy!"
Answers to your most frequently-asked questions about PectaSol® Detox Formula…
Q: How can taking PectaSol® Detox Formula help detoxify my body?
A: PectaSol® Detox Formula contains two powerful toxin fighters — alginates and modified citrus pectin. Alginates and modified citrus pectin are made up of soluble fibers. These fibers stack on top of each other to form rows of pockets similar to an egg carton. Heavy metals and toxins get trapped in these pockets and then are eliminated through your body's natural digestive system.
Together Pectasol® and alginates deep clean your body like nothing else. In fact, a recent published case study showed that patients taking Pectasol® modified citrus pectin alone or with alginates dropped their body levels of toxic metals by a whopping 74% on average.30
Q: Will I experience any negative side effects from PectaSol® Detox Formula?
A: Not one person in any of the human studies involving Pectasol® modified citrus pectin reported any negative side effects — even at doses much higher than those used in PectaSol® Detox Formula In fact, Pectasol® is so gentle it has been used effectively on children as young as 5 years old who suffer from lead poisoning. Every child tested had a dramatic increase in the excretion of lead in their urine — over 130% on average — without any side effects. And it's not just Pectasol®, alginates also have a long history of being safely and effectively used to treat exposure to toxic metals and radioactive isotopes.
Q: I enjoy eating seafood, but I worry about mercury contamination. Can PectaSol® Detox Formula help with that?
A: Yes! Simply take 2 additional capsules of PectaSol® Detox Formula before you eat a meal containing seafood. Each capsule contains a patented form of alginate that gives you a protective boost. That's because alginate binds to the mercury in your digestive tract and removes it from your body before it can be absorbed and cause harm.
Q: Will PectaSol® Detox Formula reduce the effectiveness of my vitamins and other supplements?
A: Pectasol® Detox Formula contains two powerful toxin fighters—a special, patented form of modified citrus pectin called Pectasol® and alginate. Together, they clean your body like nothing else, eliminating years of toxic build-up from exposure to heavy metals, chemicals, pesticides, and other environmental poisons. Once you start eliminating these toxins from your body, you'll likely notice many of your stubborn health problems go away. You may feel more energized, sleep better at night, improve your thinking and memory, bend and move more easily without discomfort, enjoy smoother digestion, and notice other positive changes
Q: What's the best way to get started on PectaSol® Detox Formula? How much should I take each day?
A: I recommend taking a higher dose of PectaSol® Detox Formula in the beginning in order to jumpstart the cleansing process. I recommend you take 4 capsules daily for the first month of use.
You can cut back to 2 capsules each day after the first month.
Q: Where can I get PectaSol® Detox Formula?
A: Follow this LINK or call 800-791-3395 today.
You Can Get Rid of Decades of Toxic Build-Up — and Restore Your Health
Once I learned about the proven results Dr. Eliaz was achieving with his patented formula, I arranged for Advanced Bionutritionals to offer this formula to my patients.
Many people who begin taking PectaSol® Detox Formula tell me they feel better than they have in years. They report such positive improvements as:
Increased energy and more get-up-and-go to enjoy everyday activities
Less forgetfulness and a sharper memory
More mentally alert and focused
More flexible joints with less pain and stiffness
A more restful night's sleep
Easier to maintain healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels
Improved digestion and better elimination
More energy and stamina in the bedroom
And much more…
That's why I urge you to give PectaSol® Detox Formula a try. It's the only detoxifier of its kind that's been shown to safely reduce the toxic buildup of heavy metals and pesticides in human clinical trials.20
That's why I recommend it to my patients who are concerned about the long term health effects of exposure to these toxins… and it's why I take it myself.
And remember, there are no difficult juice fasts involved. No spending hours sweating in an infrared sauna. No painful and expensive IV treatments. No unpleasant colonics. Just easy-to-swallow capsules that you take twice a day.
Try PectaSol® Detox Formula at the lowest price and save $40.20
No matter how careful you are, you can't avoid coming into contact with toxins. But you can prevent those toxins from damaging your health.
Over years of treating patients and researching supplements, I've yet to find a more gentle, more powerful way to eliminate dangerous toxins than PectaSol® Detox Formula. That's why I'd like to invite you to try this new formula today at a special introductory savings, so you can begin experiencing the deep cleansing benefits for yourself.
A One-Month PectaSol® Detox Formula Starter Pack just $39.95, plus shipping and handling.
But I have an even better value for you. If you don't want to keep re-ordering, you can stock up and …
Buy 3
Try a 3-month supply of PectaSol® Detox Formula for just $107.85, plus shipping and handling. That's a savings of $12.00 off the regular price.
But if you're really serious about removing dangerous, health-robbing toxins from your body — and saving the most money you can — you should…
Buy our 6-pack for the lowest price per bottle
This is by far the best value because you save $40.20 off the regular price, and you get free shipping too!
Remember, you can only get free shipping if you order PectaSol® Detox Formula at the Best Value level.
So why not do it right now, while it's still fresh in your mind? After all you're fully protected by my…
Down-to-the-Last-Pill GUARANTEE
I know firsthand how powerful PectaSol® Detox Formula is and we stand by this amazing product. That's why we're putting our money where our mouth is — with our 100% money back guarantee. You risk nothing.
Simply try PectaSol® Detox Formula and if you don't agree that it's the most gentle, effective, clinically proven, detoxification supplement you've ever tried, simply send back the empty bottle within 90 days of your purchase and we'll refund you every penny you paid. You only pay return shipping.
We can't think of a better way to convince you to try this powerful combination of PectaSol® modified citrus pectin and alginate. Together these natural detoxifiers suck up toxins like a sponge. They can help your body trap and eliminate the heavy metals and toxic elements that are destroying your health. Studies show you can increase your elimination of these metals fast.21
Eliminating toxins can make your joints feel better, improve your memory, restore your energy, support a healthy immune system and so much more.
Since there's absolutely no risk to your pocketbook, why not order today? Just follow this LINK or call us toll-free at 1-800-791-3395. Once we receive your order, we'll rush it to your doorstep.
Because PectaSol® Detox Formula is so easy for your body to absorb and process, you may experience a difference in as little as a few weeks. As you remove years of toxic accumulation you'll feel better and you'll be protected against the thousands of toxins that bombard us every day.
Yours in health,

Janet Zand, O.M.D., L.Ac
P.S. If you're an average American between the ages of 58 and 92, new research shows your body is polluted with 700 synthetic chemicals as well as heavy metals like mercury, lead and arsenic…
As your body fills up with these toxins, you may begin to suffer from stubborn health concerns like aching joints, fatigue, and memory lapses. High levels of these toxins are associated with a long list of serious health conditions. That's why it's critical that you reduce your "body burden" of these toxins as soon as possible…