Another Illness Diabetics Must Fight Off Daily

April 29, 2018

Because so many aspects of our health are interconnected, having one disease commonly increases your chances of developing others. Diabetics know that they need to be particularly mindful of their health, because diabetes often leads to other serious illnesses. Unfortunately, new research indicates diabetics have another issue that can affect them. Here's what it is - and what you need to do to protect yourself.

Researchers from Anglia Ruskin University examined data from over 56,000 diabetes patients over the age of 40 in the UK. This data comes from the Clinical Practice Research Datalink, which includes approximately 7% of the population of the UK and is a good representative of the overall demographics of the country. For a study published in the journal Eye, the researchers compared rates of cataracts in people with diabetes and in members of the general population. They found that those with diabetes had nearly double the rate of cataracts overall, with 20.4 cataract sufferers per 1,000 people, compared to only 10.8 among the general population.

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The risk was highest in middle age; diabetics between the ages of 45 and 49 had 4.6 times the risk of similarly aged people without diabetes, and those between the ages of 50 and 54 had 5.7 times the risk. As cataracts are a leading cause of significant vision loss or blindness, this is a serious issue for diabetics to take note of. And the risk can be up to six times higher in diabetics with the retinal disease diabetic maculopathy.

Keeping blood sugar levels under control may help to reduce the risk, so if you're diabetic (or close to it), I strongly recommend Advanced Blood Sugar Formula. You also can help protect your eyes by taking Advanced Vision Formula. See an eye doctor regularly as well, particularly if you notice any changes in your vision. Give the Advanced Vision Formula about three months to begin noticing a difference. The research associated with the formula's ingredients was done mostly on 90-day testing.

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Claudia Becker, Cornelia Schneider, Samuel Aballéa, Clare Bailey, Rupert Bourne, Susan Jick, Christoph Meier. Cataract in patients with diabetes mellitus - incidence rates in the UK and risk factors. Eye, 2018; DOI: 10.1038/s41433-017-0003-1.

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